Friday, May 07, 2010

Friday Friday Friday

And not a moment too soon.  It was Monday for 4 days this week.  I don't like weeks like that!

I posted a new entry on the craft blog, it involves Maggie Moo.

Otter finished night school, she didn't have to take the final exam and she passed the class.  She's had a busy week, and decided to open a facebook account.  I'm not on facebook and don't want to be, but any relatives that are on it should expect a friend request from her.

Among other errands after work today, we went to the grocery store.  Otter tried a sample of corned beef.  And almost immedately thereafter got a headache and started feeling bad.  Not like food poisoning, but probably allergy.  She's had this same reaction the last couple of times she had teriyaki beef jerky and we're thinking that it's an allergy to something in the spice.  Apparently, she can't eat corned beef either!  She does have some food allergies and this is apparently one.  I don't think it's food dye, that has never bothered her.

I had an allergy issue myself, yesterday.  I cleaned some of the plants up in the indoor atrium at work and then spent most of the rest of the day attempting to scratch all my skin off.  I never did figure out what specific plant caused it, because none of the plants in there should have been a problem for me.  The only thing I can think of is that my allergies were already on full alert this week and maybe it was something minor that was just enough to push me over the edge into a full-blown skin allergy attack.

Mother's Day is Sunday.  I've already gotten my gifts.  This was one of those times when Bill didn't have a clue, so he asked me what I wanted and I had an answer for him.  A crochet pattern book.  He asked me if I'd get it myself, and since he tends to get dazed & confused in the craft section at the bookstore (overwhelmed & bewildered actually), I didn't mind at all!  Otter got me yarn, I needed basic colors so that was easy.  We're having tamales, I found a tamale source a few weeks back and we're very happy about that.  I'm also making chili, because tamales without chili are just not a happy thing, and I think I'm making nuclear rice.  I'll probably open a can of refried beans.  Have I mentioned how much I like Mexican food?  Well, just in case I haven't - I like it.  A lot.  A LOT. :)  Good tamales are hard to find in this area.  I bought extra, some of them are going to be put in the freezer. Maybe, if they last that long!

Which might not happen.  Things like that tend to have a (very) short life around my house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kid2 gave me a quilt kit that I wanted for Mother's Day. He gave it to me about a month or so ago. I will start it in the next few months.
We are meeting in San Marcos on Sunday, so I have no idea what we are having. Froggy