Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Tuesday & A Challenge

Here's the challenge:  What are your 5 favorites?  Any category, food, movies, color, etc.  Just any 5 different categories.  You can use the same ones I have on my answers, or different ones.

Here's mine:

Color:  Sky blue.
Car:  1976 Chevy Corvette, either creme color or black will be acceptable.
TV show:  I'm sure that this one will come as no surprise, and I probably wouldn't even have to post it because it's a well known fact that I'm a fanatic.  (Star Trek, for those rare people who don't know!)
Food:  Mexican for type to eat, pizza for type to cook.  (I know that is two answers but I couldn't decide between them!)
Hobby:  Also probably no surprise, but crochet.

Anybody else want to participate?  Email me or you can leave it as a comment and I'll post it on a later entry.  I might have another similar challenge later, I still have more favorites!

Otter's finished with night school!  The last class is actually Thursday, but she's qualified for exemption from the final test.

Otter was home all day today, she has been fighting allergies and the allergies won the battle this time.  And promptly triggered her asthma!  So she stayed home today, she was parked on the couch with a blanket and a beagle.  And her inhaler, as well as lots of water.  She still went to night school, since exemption is partially determined by attendence and she was much improved by the time I got home from work.  But night school was one class in one room, and not several classes spread out over a fairly large campus which entails running to each class and also having to be outside frequently.  She's been taking benadryl at bedtime and might take it tonight.  But she seems to have headed this one off before it could become really bad.

We finished mowing the lawn today.  We absolutely love this house, and really do enjoy the larger yard.  It's just that because it is a larger yard than our old house, mowing is a bigger chore.  We trade off every few minutes on who gets to run the mower, so it's not so bad.

Frasier is grooming Maggie at the moment.  She's got the most blissful expression on her furry face that I've ever seen!  Otter says that both dogs spent most of the day napping.

I'm going to surf the 'net for a while now, I probably won't crochet (although I'd really like to) because I make myself take breaks from it and I think I need one now.  I could easily crochet 24 hours round the clock, but I restrain myself because it can be very hard on the muscles in the arms and hands, especially the wrist.

1 comment:

Annette said...

I did this on my blog tonight! :) http://blogofthehart.blogspot.com/2010/05/what-are-your-5-favorites.html