Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Some Records Should Not Be Broken!

The record heat recorded for Tulsa, OK is 115.  The record heat recorded for the state of OK is 120.

Tomorrow's forecast is 117.  But it could well be higher than that.

We don't actually live in Tulsa, but we are close enough to it that the rainfall, temperatures, etc., that are forecast for Tulsa affect us.

It was not pleasant today, or yesterday.  Or for several days before!

And, as if being melted to the ground just by stepping outside the door wasn't enough, I also had a migraine this afternoon.  It wasn't a bad one, but none of them are good.  It's also the 2nd one I've had in less than 2 weeks and I can't think of anything I ate that could have had one of my triggers.  It's time to start tracking them again.  I track them in a general way, but two this close means that I have to start tracking triggers.

I had to run a couple of errands after work today, things that couldn't wait.  So, I came home and picked up the Otter.  Then she was my chauffer for the majority of the errands.  I highly recommend teenage slave labor! :)  (I don't think she minded, she always jumps at the chance to drive).

Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of when we moved into our current home.  I think I might have mentioned that a few days ago.  Anyway, we have always had a tradition of whatever the first meal was in that particular place dictates what we have on each anniversary of the move.  Billyboy had to work a board meeting last night, so we've put off our traditional pepperoni pizza until Friday.  We took him Subway for dinner last night at work, so he didn't have to miss a meal!  We're changing the pizza tradition slightly this year, we are actually making mini pizzas but they will still be pepperoni.

The dogs were crazed this morning.  More than normal.  They spend a lot of their time snoozing, especially when it's hot weather.  But they are even lazier lately, if that's even possible.  The last couple of mornings, they've been very playful.  This morning, we were invaded by Carpet Sharks!  Two of them, one big and one small (and round).  Both furry.  The small & round one was the most dangerous, but then she usually is.  She's also sneaky.

Otter's orientation at college is Friday morning.  It's getting closer!  I think she's excited about it.

She's also excited about the sales-tax free shopping weekend that's just a few days away.  We're going to at least attempt to shop until we drop.

We usually don't have a problem with accomplishing that particular goal!


Anonymous said...

Could your migraines be triggered by the heat? It is also possible that you are slightly dehydrated and that is the trigger. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Heat isn't a trigger, but it can aggravate my migraines and I do think it did make this one worse. I have been drinking a lot of additional water, we all have, so I don't think that dehydration is an issue at the moment. It can make them worse, as well as cause all sorts of other problems, so we've all been getting more water down. I've had two instances of dehydration, both were when I was sick and they weren't fun, so we try to be proactive about that.