Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Just Wednesday

Nothing particularly exciting going on, but we did manage to get through last night without any trembling!  Except for the fact that Billyboy had "kicky feet" several times in his sleep, which caused the bed to shake, which caused me to wake up and wonder why the bed was jiggling!

As a result, I didn't wake up feeling very well-rested this morning.  I might go to bed early, or I might not.  Whatever.

It's been that kind of a day today.  Whatever!

Otter's foot is doing well, all things considered.  But she's having some sore muscles in her legs which actually started yesterday, after she'd been tortured at the dermatologist's office.  She had to hold her legs in an odd position while the doctor was working on her foot, and I'm sure she was tensed up.  I warmed up the "heat thing" (we can't remember the name of it) for her while ago and she said it helped.  Along with a couple of motrin.

I just looked at my calendar and realized something.  Thanksgiving is two weeks from tomorrow!  We're going to be on our own this year, but we'll still have a traditional meal and enjoy the family time.  But I'm going to cheat and buy a smoked turkey this year.  I have cooked a couple of turkeys in the past, but I'm not inclined to spend several hours cooking one item.  Even if it is the main course!  We had a smoked turkey a couple of years ago and it was really good, so that's the plan for this year.  Along with the turkey, we'll have the usual fixins.**  Bill's famous mashed potatoes, gravy (I only use Pioneer brand since my homemade gravy is actually glue), green bean casserole (which Otter is not a fan of but doesn't have to eat it anyway - mushroom allergy and I use lots and lots of mushrooms), salad, cranberry sauce, either rolls or I'll make bread, and what ever Otter finally decides on for dessert.  And then we'll probably all have a nice long nap, even the dogsters!

**Fixin, with or without an S on the end, is an official word in the Texas Language.  In this case, it means components of something such as a meal.


Anonymous said...

We are having most of the same foods that you are having. We will also have deviled eggs, and pumpkin pie. Kid2 and Kid3 will not be home. They are going to the A&M TU game (possible the last one for many years). Kid1 and fiancee will be here and still waiting to hear about Toadles and wife.
The heating thing is called a heating pad. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

No, the heat thing is not a heating pad. It's something else that we can't remember the name of.
No pumpkin pie at my house, I'm allergic to pumpkin and will get migraines from it. We might have deviled eggs, they sound good.