Thursday, November 03, 2011

Soup's On!

It's cool weather lately, so I made soup!  I assembled it this morning, tossed it in the crockpot and turned it on about 6:45.  Then, I got Otter up (I let her sleep until 7:00) and I went to work.  She stirred it for me a couple of times, but mostly she had to spend the day with the delicious aroma and not be able to get into it.  However, she was first in line when we had it for dinner tonight and she made sure she had a full bowl.

Soup is like chili, in the sense that we eat it all year long.  But my beef/vegetable soup is really good for winter food.  And also for cool Fall days, like today.

We went to the library this evening.  I found about 3 books, two of which I've read before but they're good so I'll still enjoy them.  The third one was a crochet book I haven't seen yet.  Otter got her usual armload plus, and she'll probably spend most of Saturday (when she's not napping, that is) in her usual spot on the loveseat, with several books.

I'll probably spend most of my time on Saturday working on the afghan.  I'm really excited about it being cool enough to work on it, because it is really warm.  It's been put up since last spring, and I really do want to get it finished sometime this year. :)

Otter got her schedule arranged for next semester.  She'll be taking 12 hours, she's taking 13 now.  The school has several campus locations, she'll be going to the same one.  Her days will be spread out a bit differently.  Term will start January 9, she'll have about 3 weeks between the end of this semester and the start of the next one.

I'm still not sure when she got old enough to be in college!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had vegetable soup. It was good, even though it was not that cold here. I do know the feeling about kids growing up. Froggy