Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Chili (or Chilly Sunday!)

It's Sunday.  It's chilly.  We're having chili for dinner tonight.

We saw the p e t a ad recently, the one that asks about eating a turkey if it looked like a dog:

Our official family answer:  YES.

Actually, we are of the thought that p e t a stands for something else:  People (for the) Eating (of) Tasty Animals.

OK, on to other stuff.  Otter and I went to a couple of thrift stores today.  We were looking for something for Bill, but we also looked for fun stuff.  Otter found a pair of jeans, which she always needs.  I didn't find much but it was still a fun trip.

It's pretty cool today.  It was in the high 30's until after noon.  I think it's maybe in the high 40's now, but it's misty & grey.  My plan is to plant tulip bulbs, but that might wait a couple of days.

Otter has one day of classes this week, Monday.  And she only has 3 of the 4 classes because one of them won't be in session tomorrow.  It's a short work week for Bill and myself, and I'm really glad.  We're going to eat ourselves into a stupor on Thursday.

I think that Otter and I are probably going to a local museum on Friday and maybe a quick run to the dollar store but not much in the way of shopping.  We'll probably need a couple of things at the grocery store, but I'm not planning on doing any Black Friday shopping.  Well, the yarn store has a special sale and Otter is enabling my addiction so that's a possiblity.  But we aren't going to be out before dawn or any of the insane stuff that people do.  That's never been my thing.

Also, Otter has to go back to the dermatologist on Tuesday to get her foot checked.  It's looking pretty good, she said it's been itching like crazy but that is normal when healing occurs.

OK, time to head to the kitchen and make chili!  I'm starving!

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

Ha, ha, I would too!