Thursday, November 24, 2011

Too Much!

We ate too much today.  But, as Otter said, it's Thanksgiving!

Actually, we didn't over indulge too much.  But we did eat a little more than we should have.  I'm blaming the dessert for pushing me over the edge, but I really think that it was the mashed potatos! :)

Bill made his famous mashed potatos, Otter made the gravy (a mix), I handled the turkey, dressing, green bean casserole and Otter was in charge of dessert.  It seems like I'm leaving something out, but I can't remember what it was.  Well, cranberry sauce from a can but that's not what I'm thinking I forgot about.  Maybe it's just because there was (and still is) so much food, because I can't think of anything else.

Bill almost had one of his "moments."  He was cutting the potatos up to be boiled and he cut his thumb.  Pretty deep, but not run-to-the-ER-stitches deep.  But he is a redhead, so it was a little messy!  I sent him to the couch at that point, and he wasn't allowed back in the kitchen until it was time to drain the potatos and mash them.

I think Otter's in a turkey coma at the moment.  I don't blame her!  She got up at about 10:00, watched the last half of the parade and then we got busy in the kitchen.

The dogsters even got a small taste, they got a little bit of turkey, potato and gravy.  Probably just enough to get the taste of the food, but they seemed very happy with it.

We have plenty of leftovers, which was the point of buying a big turkey.  We're going to have turkey wrap sandwiches tomorrow, and probably will be eating today's meal for a few days.

I think the turkey sleepy is beginning to get me as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a good meal and good company. Kid1 and his fiance came and brought some of the food. It was fun but I missed Kid2 and Kid3. They went to the AM game. Froggy