Sunday, November 06, 2011

Sunday Shakes!

(Alternate title:  Shaken Not Stirred!)

There are shakes:

And there are SHAKES:

And we've had both kinds in the last 24 hours.

Actually, we've had two of the last one in the last 48 hours.  As I mentioned last night, Friday night/early Saturday morning there was one that I slept through but Bill was awake for.

But it wasn't the last one.  Last night, sometime before midnight, we were sound asleep and were awakened by an odd noise (it was the house shaking) and the feeling of the bed trying to jump out from under us.  It probably lasted less than a minute, but at the time it did not feel like it!

# 3

My first thought was that someone had hit the house with a car, because of the noise & impact feel at the same time and I think I yelled for Bill to wake up, but I might have actually reached over and woke him up.  Or both, I'm not sure.  Then we realized what it was.  It didn't stop suddenly, it tapered off and then it was quiet.  But it took me hours to go back to sleep, which is what usually happens when I'm deeply asleep and then awakened.  I've never been able to go back to sleep easily like that, and last night was no exception.

Otter said that it woke her up as well.  I don't remember hearing any noise from the dogs, Bill said that they were moving around and seemed restless quite a bit during and after Friday evening's quake, but last night's earthquake was nosier.  As well as larger on the Richter scale and longer-lasting.  He thought he heard a couple of things falling, but none of the pictures came off the wall or anything.  Two Fenton pieces did slide pretty far from where they were originally but not far enough to fall off, some of the kitchen drawers were opened and a couple of sun catchers came off the kitchen window.  The cans we keep dog treats & birdseed in were moved slightly in the garage.  Bill walked around the house this morning and everything looks ok.  He talked to our next door neighbor (the nice one) and he said that he was upstairs in his house at the time, so he actually felt more movement than we did.  The higher structurally, the more wiggling.  At church, Pastor Dave said that they had a lot of things come off of walls.  We did see a few news reports that showed minor structural damage in the general area we live in, things like bricks coming off and so forth.  That was a national news report, by the way.

Froggy, I wonder what Dad would say?  He never mentioned earthquakes, it was always about spring storms and tornados.  I'm sure he would have an imaginative comment, which would end with telling me to come home!  :)

Anyway, Otter suggested that we get milk shakes today since it's "shake day" and we agreed.  So we went to Braums!  They were very good, she had a great idea.

OK, on to other stuff now.

Movie Review:  Cars 2.  It was ok but not very spectacular and it was extremely "political" and biased.  But we had already heard that, so we weren't surprised.  It was just not a very good movie, it had the feel of being thrown together as a money grab and that's probably exactly what it was.  Not one we'll be buying, that's for sure.  The final Harry Potter movie comes out Friday, that one is definitely on the "to buy" list.

We made pizza yesterday, and had leftovers for breakfast.  We're going to broil some steaks for dinner tonight and bake potatos.  I also have several containers of my beef/vegetable soup in the freezer and will probably make a couple of other things to freeze such as Bachelor Stew.  I like to keep a variety of things in the freezer, Bill takes his lunch most days and that way I can ensure that he has a healthy lunch.

I got some crochet done yesterday.  I didn't work on the afghan, I found a pattern for a really cute scarf that looks like a snake and Otter wants one.  The pattern was a solid green snake, but Otter's snake is going to be multi-colored.  Because it's different from the other scarf styles I've made, it will get put on the craft blog when I get it finished.  Which might be a couple of days.

OK, back to my laundry now!  Have I ever mentioned how much I hate doing laundry?


Anonymous said...

did all of crazy uncles laundry yesterday. Braums- you turkey.
We went to the dollar movie and saw THE BIG YEAR. It is about birding, but it is also a comedy. There are quite a few big stars that do cameos in it. We really enjoyed it. I suggest you see it. It is not what I expected. It is advertised as a movie about bird watching. This is a part of it but it is not all of it.
It is really good.
There is no telling what Dad would have said about earthquakes but it would have ended with come back.

Otter Mom said...

Braums has good milkshakes, we almost never have them but we thought that they were appropriate, considering that we were shaken awake last night.

Otter Mom said...

Also, the sound we heard was probably the sound of the earthquake itself and not the house shaking, although we did hear the house making noise. Bill thinks he heard something that could have been glass breaking but we can't find anything. I won't be surprised if one of the windows in our bedroom has a hairline crack.

Alexandra said...

Glad you all are okay! We had a big one this year here in Va. as well.It felt like riding a big wave, and i thought I was having "a moment". lol. I felt off balance and swayed a little. It was a weird feeling.

Otter Mom said...

"ours" was 5.6 and "your" was 5.8, they were very similar in strength and duration. It was such an odd feeling, not what I expected at all.