Monday, November 26, 2012

Blinded by the Light

Well, actually we aren't blinded and the light no longer shines through the dining room windows.  Bill got the mini-blinds up and it looks great.  Now that the curtains are down, it actually looks less cluttered.  We rearranged the plants, same ones are still there but the cactus and ivy have now switched sides.  Also, I trimmed the ivy as it was long enough to ensare the beagle (and I think it might have tried to a few times!)  I washed the curtains, but then I decided against moving them to the living room window.  They had some discolored places that I think were actually sun fades.  I'm still going to replace the curtains in the living room window, just not sure what color, etc. I'll be using yet.  But we don't have to worry about the neighbors (current and/or future) being able to see inside from the outside any longer.  Just hope we can remember to open the blinds for the plants in the morning!

One of Otter's cactus plants is blooming.  It's a small one and we really weren't sure about it.  It hadn't grown at all since we bought it last spring but apparently it's still alive and happy since it's suddenly covered in deep pink almost purple blossoms.

It was cold today.  The forecast was for low- to mid-50's.  At noon, the weatherman on the news made the comment that we'd be lucky to get up to 50 and he was right.  (Rare occurance for them to be right).  It was grey, cloudy & windy all day.  It's going to be in the high 20's tonight.  We've used the fireplace once already, Saturday morning.  It was nice to sit in the living room with our coffee (and dogs!) and enjoy the fireplace.  I also changed out the filter in the humidifer tonight.

Bill's better, he went back to work and mananged to stay all day.  He's still coughing and congested but I think he's a little better.  Otter and I cleaned/decluttered/dusted the dining room this morning before we left so that he wouldn't have to deal with a lot of dust tonight when he put the blinds up.

Otter's oral surgery is 3 weeks from today.  She keeps reminding me that she'll need lots and lots of yogurt and jello.  Guess she doesn't want me to forget!

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