Friday, November 02, 2012

Friday Rethinks

I'm rethinking a few crochet projects, as I've already mentioned.  My shawl is one of them.  I had also planned on a robe, I have a pattern in one of my older crochet books, for a robe made out of granny squares that are sewn together.  I bought royal blue yarn for it and made several squares, with a lighter blue outside row and both colors are very pretty.  But then I got to thinking.  The pattern was originally for wool yarn, which won't have any bearing on the yarn gauge (size).  But I can't use wool, the yarn I have is acrylic.  Which is great yarn, it's sturdy, washes well and holds the color.  But it's also rough on the skin in large amounts.  So, the robe squares are still going to be put together but I think that they may be a blanket instead.  Probably a slightly large lap blanket.  I may eventually make myself a robe (or sweater), but I'll use different yarn if I do.  There are a lot of soft yarns available that are not wool.  But that's a "later on" project, I have enough UFO's to deal with now.

Frasier seemed to do ok with the tranquilizer last night.  We normally go to bed around 10:00 or so, but we were exhausted last night and knew we wouldn't make it that far.  The vet said to give the dog his pill about 45 minutes to an hour before we planned on going to bed.  At 8:15, we were having problems staying awake just sitting on the couch so he got his dose.  About 8:35, he was pretty groggy.  He got up and went out, then I had to go get him when he didn't come back after about 5 minutes - Bill said he had visions of the dog asleep, leaning against the fence and propped up by an upraised back leg!  Instead, Frasier was standing on the outside of the dog door and he didn't look like he was fully concious.  I got him to come in and he headed straight for his sleeping spot - although Maggie was sprawled out on it until I moved her over!  He slept all night long.  And so did we!  I talked to the vet again today, they don't think that he'll build a resistance to it as fast as he did the benadryl and it's also a stronger medication.  We are going to use it for the next several nights, then at some point before we run out of it the plan is to not use it and see what happens.  We'll probably gradually allow him access to our room if he doesn't do well without it.  It's a matter of retraining him at this point.

We splurged tonight.  We had a pizza!  It was a thin-crust, double pepperoni and not a huge one.  And it was very good!  Probably going to be a while now before we have anything else like that.  But we've been on our diet for a few weeks now and are both losing weight.  Otter was overjoyed to get pizza again.  But it's back to being sensible now.

Froggy, I'm glad you emailed me about your last comment.  Blogger still didn't tell me.  I just rechecked all my settings and it is supposed to let me know when there is a comment.  It didn't, since you told me I was able to get your comment posted.  Hopefully, Blogger will get itself working right soon.


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