Friday, November 23, 2012

Non-Black Friday

Otter and I had our annual Black Friday experience.  We went to the local museum and enjoyed their annual exhibit.  We had a few other errands and one of them was Michael's, but it was just to get paint for me and a couple of things for Otter and they were normal stuff so I'm not sure if that actually counts as Black Friday shopping.  Probably not, and that is fine with us by the way.  We also went to a couple of other stores, one was the farm & ranch-ish store we like that has peanuts in bulk and the other was to the grocery store for pizza fixins* since that's what we're having for dinner tonight.  (And also a couple of meals tomorrow as well!).  And the video store.  I prefer not to be part of the Black Friday madness, thank you very much.

Bill's a little better today.  He's been feverish off & on the last couple of days, he's been coughing and sneezing his head off and has felt cruddy.  He hasn't slept too well the last few nights due to the congestion.  I don't think he's got the flu, he's probably just got the bug that seems to be going around.  It might be what I had a couple of weeks ago, but I don't think he got it from me because of the time between my being sick and his getting it.  I don't want it back, though.

Froggy, the 2nd box you sent arrived Wednesday.  We opened it and Otter got into it a bit, but we haven't had time to really dig into either box yet.  She did find the buttons in both boxes and she found the yarn, which is now in my stash and is happy there.  We'll probably dump both boxes out into the middle of the living room floor tomorrow and see what all is there.

Now, it's time to go get the pizza dough started in the bread machine.

*Do you really need to ask what this word means?  And why it's correct spelling & grammer? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We went shopping all day. We were at Joannes fabric store at 6am. They had a lamp on sale for 20 that usually costs 99. I bought 2. Then we went to penneys, the round rock outlet mall, target, ross, best buy, kohls, old navy then we went and met kid1 and wife for breakfast. Then we took kid2 and kid3 home and then we went to the sears outlet store and picked up the stove we had bought.We shopped till we dropped.