Monday, November 05, 2012

Tired Monday

It's been what I refer to as a "teenager day" because I've had to deal with the Teenager all day long!  I don't mind, but it's tiring at times to keep up with a 97-year old teenager!  Especially when said 97-year old can run circles around people one-third his age.  :)

Anyway.  It's time for another Frasier update.  He's great.  He's crazy like he used to be and he's acting like a puppy again.  Even more today than yesterday.  He's back to being his normal, super-affectionate self.  We're still using the tranquilizers, but I'm thinking that something this week we'll try a night without them and see if it works.  They make him drowsy and sometimes he goes to sleep pretty quickly, but he's not staying asleep all night because of them.  He's been quiet, however and I'm hoping it stays that way.  Bill stayed up later than I did last night, he was watching an intelligent movie about a two-headed shark on the Sci-Fi channel (!!) and he said that Frasier was still awake when he came to bed.  So, we're encouraged.  We're not there yet, though.

Bill's working a b(oring)oard meeting tonight.  Otter and I had a couple of errands which included a used book store that we've been trying to get to for a few weeks now.  We finally got there today.  I found one of the two Maeve Binchy books I've been looking for, the older of the two and the one that I thought would be harder to find.  I'm still looking for one more to have the complete collection of her work.  Anyway, we didn't get home until right at sunset thanks to the stupid time change.  We had several household chores to attend to and now we're just going to spend the rest of the evening (it's about 7:15) in front of the tv.  I don't expect Bill to be late tonight, but who knows - the School Board likes to hear itself talk.

Remember this?  A Shaking Experience  It's been a year today and the news has been all about it.  It was an unusual occurance, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been.  But at least it's a break from the constant election coverage!

We'll be really glad when the election is over.  Although it will still be a few days before the constant coverage is through - we'll have to listen to the "I Won Isn't it Wonderful/I Lost Isn't it Unfair" for a while yet.  But we're nearly through.  I have not been very political lately.  I figure that there's no reason, everybody already knows where we stand on the issues!

I guess that's it for tonight.  Back to my crochet and playing with my doggy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that he is better. Now if it justs last. I agree I can't wait until the election stuff is over. Froggy