Sunday, November 04, 2012

Sunday Second Childhood

What the world sees:

Lots of grey on the muzzle and in a few other places.

What Frasier thinks he is:

(This is a coyote puppy and is probably very much what he looked like.)

 I have my puppy back!  He's been so playful the last couple of days.  I just came in from watching the dogs run around the back yard, Frasier made the rounds several times.  Then, he played the beagle out - and it takes a LOT to tire a beagle out.  He wasn't tired and he kept going for a while.  He's well into his second childhood and I'd say he's having a great one.

We've used the tranquilizers the last 3 nights and he's slept through.  He woke up before we did this morning, but he wasn't noisy.  He was a little hungry, it was about an hour past what would have been breakfast time before the time change so he did talk just a bit.  But not like he's been doing, just like what he used to do when he was ready for breakfast and nobody was up yet.  We're going to use the tranquilizers for a few more nights and then see what happens.  I'm not expecting a miracle, but it would be good if he at least was getting the idea (again) that he doesn't have to have mom in the living room with him. 

 He's still licking the spot, but I'm not spraying it with anything.  I'm suspicious of it and the effect it had on him - he wasn't very bad until I started using the bitter spray and then he got really bad.  We discontinued it and he got better.  It wasn't supposed to have an effect on him, but we think it did.  It did not deter him from licking, in fact we think it made him lick more in an effort to get the stuff off of the spot.

 I saw this on the internet.  Yes, it is Klingon.  But it's still Star Trek and it's just a matter of time until the Borg have assimilated everything, Klingon included.  Resistance is Futile!

I'm thinking the elm tree seedling is going to make it.  It's been a couple of weeks and it's looking good.  Possibly even growing, although it's hard to tell.  It's still healthy at any rate.  I think that the mild Fall weather has been good for it.

Movie Review:  Moonrise Kingdom.  Confusing, badly edited and not to well-written.  I got the gist of the story, but I didn't really like the movie.  Glad we only rented it, instead of seeing it at the theater.

OK, back to my crochet now.  I got out the squares that were originally going to be a robe and had almost enough to make a small lap robe type blanket.  I was two short, so I made those two up and started attaching them all together.  It's turning out well, I'm just about through with the crochet part of it.  I'll still have a bunch of yarn tails to bury, but that might wait just a bit.  I have another project that is a Christmas gift for someone and I have to get started on it pretty soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is the Christmas gift for?
I am so glad that Frasier has had a good day, hope it keeps up.Froggy