Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Rambling

It's Sunday and I'm rambling.

(Also known as the inability to come up with a good title.)

Today was a work day.  We worked in the garage.  Bill's been avoiding the fact that it's dangerous to even walk out there, the danger of being crushed and nobody being able to find him/us/me/Otter/the dogs being the main thing he's been in Denial about.  He finally realized that he has spece to work on the machines, and it's the garage.  But that he didn't have room to work.  Space and room being two different concepts!  He's been cleaning out a little bit at a time, but not really getting anywhere since he hasn't had a lot of time to work on it.  So, we got up this morning and got busy out there.  There's still a lot to be gone through/trashed/donated/rearranged, but it's a lot better than it was when we started.  The trunk of my car is filled to the brim with stuff to recycle - both the stuff we normally have, and a whole lot of stuff that Bill came across.  The back seat of my car was filled to the point of exploding with stuff to donate, so Otter and I went to Goodwill this afternoon.  We'll take the recycling stuff in the morning, we didn't have time today.  There is still a lot to be done out there, but at least I don't have to fear for my life and limbs just by going out to get dog food!

I mentioned that Otter and I went to Goodwill.  We did donate the huge amount of stuff we had.  But we also went into the store part, we were already there after all...  She found a skirt, a pair of jeans and a book.  I didn't find anything but I did have fun:  I tried on 3 skirts.  They were all a size smaller than the jeans that I've been wearing but the jeans are now too big for me.  So, I thought that the skirts might fit.  They didn't fit.  Because they were too big!  I guess I probably should wait before buying any new clothing, although I'm probably going to have to get another pair of jeans soon because I am not willing to risk having them fall off of me!  They are not quite that big, but they are very loose and I have to keep pulling them up.

I mentioned having had to deal with a union in an earlier post.  What I didn't mention is that the one I had to deal with at my previous job (several times) is the same one that the Hostess company had.  The 18,500 employees is "only" the Hostess company.  There will be more affected, such as the delivery drivers that work for other companies entirely.  Such as the Mom & Pop stores that sold bread & other things made by Hostess.  Such as many restaurants that bought their bread from Hostess.  Such as the convenience stores that also got their breads from Hostess and even the consumers who buy brands they like at the grocery stores.  I hope that the union is happy.  Because they are 100% at fault for this.  The company name is not actually Hostess, I just can't remember the exact name but Hostess is probably one of their main trademarks.

I'm fairly sure that Twinkies and many of their other products will be back.  The recipe & rights will be bought out by someone else.  But that won't help all the people who now have no income, who might be facing the loss of their homes, who might wind up hungry & homeless because of selfishness and arrogance by the union.

OK, the soapbox has been returned to it's resting place.  But I can and will get it back out as needed.  I'm sure it will be, it always is.

Movie Review:  Brave.  We rented it to watch yesterday.  And I have seldom ever been as disappointed in a movie as I was with Brave.  I had high hopes and we expected a good movie.  However, it was a complete and utter waste of time and even if we'd seen it at the dollar theater I think it would have been a waste of money.  The animation was very good, and of course we have a fondness for redheaded girls who kick behind.  But that's about the only thing that we liked.  Otter liked it, she saw it in the theater with HP when she was still dating him and she still enjoyed it.  But Bill and I were both very surprised by how little we liked it.  It's Otter's turn to pick the Saturday movie now, I think we're going to be watching the new Spider Man movie.

Bill's off this week.  He is taking Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as vacation days.  Otter only has classes Monday and Tuesday.  I have to work through Wednesday, and I'm really looking forward to having a 4-day weekend coming up.  I think Otter and I might make our annual trip to a local museum for their Christmas tree exhibit.  But we aren't planning on doing any Black Friday shopping, unless we have to stop at the grocery store or something like that.  I don't think that counts as Black Friday shopping anyway!

I'd like to mention Frasier and how well he's doing, but I don't want to jinx anything.  But it's been nice to sleep all night the last few weeks.  But I don't want to jinx it, so I'm not actually saying anything.  (No, I don't believe in jinxes, curses, karma, accidents or luck.  But I can't think of a good word to use!).

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