Thursday, November 15, 2012


Last Wednesday, I thought it was Thursday.  And I was happy that way.  But then Bill had to go and rain on my parade and tell me that it was still only Wednesday!

So today, he thought it would be fun to tell me that it was only Wednesday.  But since I'd already seen the correct date on the newspaper (what part of it they actually delivered that is), I knew he was fibbing.  I'll let him slide.  This time.  :)

Only half of the paper was delivered this morning.  Actually, there were two halves.  But they were the same half twice!  I called them and they brought me out a full one.  Not that I've actually had time to read it, that is.  I'm hoping that I manage to find the time sometime before tomorrow.  We'll see.

I had to go buy new drinking glasses tonight.  We had a bunch of them.  Suddenly, we only had about 3 and about 4 that were originally jelly glasses.  So, off to Wallyworld we went!  They don't have nearly the variety or selection that they used to have, and it's that way in nearly all the departments.  What they do have is a large amount of their own brand but not a big variety even in that.  But we found a set of 12 and they are now washed and waiting to be used.  We use a lot of eating utensils, for some reason.

I mentioned in an earlier post that the White Lightning might be up for sale.  But Bill's decided against it, and I'm glad.  He bought the truck because there are times when he needs one.  Not all the time, but when he needs it, he really needs it.  For that reason, we've decided not to sell it.  He drove it yesterday, he had to go get lumber for one of his pachinko related projects.  You probably heard it and thought it was a low-flying jet!

We're following the news about Israel very closely right now.  For the record, we are firmly on Israel's side.  In this and in just about every conflict, probably all of them actually.

We've also seen the news reports about the Hostess company and their union difficulties.  It probably will come as NO surprise to anyone, but we have zero use for unions.  At all.  Never have had any and never will.  I find it to be extremely selfish that a minority of the employees are willing to let 18,000 people lose their jobs over arrogance.  I have had some experience with a union, at my job in Texas where I was the assistant personnel manager and have had to deal with union idiocy on a regular basis, so I do know where I'm coming from on this one.

(I gues that this might be a T & T Thursday to an extent, but I didn't realize it until just now).

I wanted to elaborate about Froggy's comment about placing her order related to Otter's upcoming oral surgery.  She's got the same decalcifying teeth/bone loss issues that I have, and so does Toadly (our big brudder).  Our mom had the same thing, we probably inherited it from her.  Which means that we actually have something that is not redhead curse related! (How did that happen?)  Anyway.  Froggy's managed to go a whole lot longer that Toadles or I did, our mom was in her 30's when she went the denture route and I was in my mid-40's.  I'm not sure about Toadles, but he might have been in the same general age range I was.  Froggy will be joining the group very shortly.  Although she might actually have implants, at least on the bottom jaw due to the same bone loss issues I have.  Froggy - you are going to wonder why you didn't do it sooner.  Believe me, it will be worth all the inconvenience and discomfort of the assorted procedures.  I guarantee that.

Then, you and me and Toadles can have our own little contest to see who can gross our offspring out first!  Although I think he's probably the master at popping his teeth out!


Anonymous said...

I will be reminding you of that guarantee when I am in pain and grumpy because of it. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

You know what "they" say about the pain of childbirth? That it's worth it in the end. This will be the same way. I promise. Been there, done that.