Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday? Well, No Not Really.

Although the water that Bill keeps having to change out of the carpet cleaner is black.  Beyond black, actually.  Dirty Dirty Dirty!
It took a few tries, but the carpet is almost clean.  I vacuumed twice and then we treated a couple of spots.  Then Bill got the carpet steam cleaner and went to work.  He made one almost full pass of the living room when he realized that the soap jet wasn't working, so he had to stop and do a little surgery.  The first pass he made was mostly all water, but it loosened a lot of dirt up so it still helped.  After he got assorted parts of the soap jet system unclogged, he re-did the parts he'd already done but with soap this time.  Then I had to go to Wallyworld (ugh!) and get another bottle of soap - detergent, actually.  I also picked lunch up at Subway and brought it home, so Bill was forced to take a break.  Then he got the perimeter of the living room with the steam cleaner.  The main part has a little time left to dry, he's got 2 fans blowing on it and the ceiling fan is on.  We should be able to start putting the furniture back in place in a couple of hours, but I want to run the vacuum again first.  I suggested we do it all at once instead of in two parts, now it will be done and over with.
When we moved the couches out of their spots, we could really tell a difference in what the covered by furniture carpet looked at as opposed to the open areas.  We ran a blacklight around in the living room last night, I think that Maggie Moo had been having her leaking problem for a lot longer than we thought.  Hopefully, she's done with that but we'll have to wait and see.  We're just hoping that now that the smell is out of the carpet, she won't remember her accident spots.  The dogs have been blocked out since this morning, they have water and their carpet to snooze on in the garage and access to their yard area.  They have also had a couple of treats, so they are not the deprived & unloved pooches they are pretending to be!
Bill has the front and back doors open, it's a really nice day today.  But it's a little bit breezy and now there are leaves that have been blown in.  All over the nice, clean carpet!  Well, I think the vacuum will take care of them.
We finally had those biscuits!  The ones I was going to make last Sunday when the oven quit.  They were fine after being frozen, I gave them a minute or two longer than normal and they came out good.  Slightly dry, but that is probably from being frozen.  We had gravy (yes, Froggy it was Pioneer brand!) with them so they were fine.
Even though we are about done with the living room carpet, I'm still going to hit a few local stores tomorrow for Small Business Saturday.  I'd probably be going to those stores anyway, but it makes a good excuse. :)
We'll probably eventually clean the carpet in the rest of the house, but the living room was the most urgent area because of leaky beagle.  We'll probably do My Room first, although it's pretty good because it had been cleaned a while back and the beagle was not allowed in there over the last few years.  But since it's mostly empty, it's a good time to get to it.
The microwave is acting up again.  It quit about a year ago, then it started working again so we figured we'd just run it as long as we could.  But it started acting up again a week or so ago, so I think it's time.  They are usually on sale around this time of year anyway.  We looked at a couple and Bill liked one in particular, but I'm thinking I might want a smaller one this time.  We do use it, obviously, but Otter was the main person to use it.  But we'll have to see what's out there before we decide.
Otter gets her permanent crown Monday.  I was going to take her, she asked me to in case they have to do anything requiring numbing and/or the gas, but I have to be at work at the same time on Monday and it's not anything I can skip - I have to notarize a bunch of stuff for some property sales at work.  She can drive herself, she's just concerned about the possibility of needing heavy anesthesia.  I called the dentist, but they are closed today.  I left them a message to call me as soon as they open on Monday but the plan is for Otter to be there a little early if they don't call me back.  She had asked for the day off, but her boss forgot when he was making the schedule up for they week so she is supposed to go in at 10:00.  Same time as the appointment.  He told her to come in as soon as she can afterwards, but if there is heavy anesthesia she is not going to be functional.  Grandpa can pick her up after the appointment if it becomes necessary, but I really don't think it will be.  However, we thought that before and then she wound up getting the gas after all.  But at least she'll be able to eat easier after Monday.
Bill is making the last pass with the detergent on the perimeter area of the living room.  I'm probably going to get the vacuum running in a few minutes.  Then we'll get the love seat out of the dining room, the couch is standing on one end in the entrance way and the rest of the furniture is in My Room.  We left the entertainment center in place, it's a major weight to move and also has the tv on it, our huge movie collection as quite a bit of my Fenton.  Also, the carpet was cleaned before it was put there so it should be ok.  Next time, we'll probably move it but that may be a few years from now and we might be un-dogged by then.  Not that I'm in a hurry for that!  We like our doggies and hope they stay for a long while.


Anonymous said...

DO NOT BUY A SHARP BRAND MICROWAVE, That's the one I have and after 3 it is still not right.

They say they are marketed by Sharp not made by sharp. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I'll try to remember that when I go microwave shopping. I think the one I have now is a Panasonic and it's been about 21 years since we got it. It's been used a lot, it has held up great and we might look for the same brand again.