Thursday, November 13, 2014

Wiggles & Jiggles

There was another earthquake felt in Tulsa yesterday.  It actually originated in Kansas but it was felt in this area.  I didn't feel it, I was driving at the time.  Bill was home, he was working on a pachinko machine.  He has a bobblehead-style Hula Girl figurine that was a gift, the person who gave it to him thought it would look cute in the El Camino but it never got there.  It's been sitting on a shelf in the office/pachinko room, along with the Stripper Doll that Sweetie gave him last Christmas!!  Anyway, he was sitting in front of his work bench/desk when the Hula Girl started shaking her grass skirt!  (Or maybe she was just cold?!) :)
My migraine didn't last too long, I went to bed feeling cold last night but that is also a symptom I sometimes have.  I have a suspicion that those disgusting, bad, EVIL cinnamon scented pinecones had more than a little bit to do with the headache.  Otter went to Michael's yesterday after she got off work, she was standing by some of them herself and she started to get a migraine as well.  Those things should be illegal!
It's still pretty cold and will be for a few days.  The "S" word has been used, by the forecasters on all the local stations.  I don't think we're supposed to get more than a dusting, if anything at all, and it is forecast for either Saturday or Sunday.  We're prepared, but then we usually are.  IF we get anything, it probably won't be a snowed or iced in situation, just very cold.  I am going to spend the weekend inside anyway, in front of the fireplace mostly and a hook in one hand and yarn in the other.  Although I might go to a used book store with Otter on Sunday to trade in her boatload of books that she cleaned out before she moved.
I loaded the trunk of my car up with stuff she is donating.  I'll take it tomorrow and give it all to Goodwill.  She was over here for a while this afternoon, she helped me move the last of the pile of her stuff out of the center of the craft room, and then we moved the rest of my yarn stash in there.  I vacuumed the closet again and a part of the middle of the room.  Then we moved the sofa table to where it's more centered in front of the living room window.  Otter is going to get me a couple of boxes from work, the remaining pile of stuff will be boxed up for her to go through as she has time.  The picnic baskets are now in the closet, there is still a stack of boxes that has her notebooks and sketchbooks and will eventually be put up in the attic.  She left a plastic 5-drawer unit, it has "office" supplies, some craft stuff, some drawing pencils and lots of misc. stuff; she thinks she wants it but she hasn't had time to go through it yet.  I might move it into the closet for now.  I'll probably get that done next week or in the next few days, then I'll get the sewing machines moved to the desk.
I also filled up two of my seed feeders for the birds, I'll put them out in the morning.  I need to get a few more suet feeder refills.  Maybe tomorrow, but if not the birds will still be fine with the plain seed feeders.  The dogs were very interested in what I was doing, they like birdseed and seemed to be a little unhappy that they didn't get it!
Otter came by so Bill could check the car.  The "check engine" light came on again today, which is what it did a few weeks back.  They took the car to the auto parts store and got it tested.  It's probably a clogged valve, which will be around $80 for the part and Bill can fix it himself - when the current cold snap is over!

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