Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I Feel Like Something Funny is Needed (Ramble Warning)

Because I feel cruddy otherwise.  I first noticed last Friday that I was feeling what could have been my asthmatic lungs letting me know that they were awake.  I spent most of the day Friday and all last weekend sneezing my head off - and wondering why, because all the allergy triggers have been frozen!  I heard a news report yesterday that the Tulsa Health Department has released.  There are a few assorted cold-like or flu-like bugs that are going around but they are not the flu - but apparently the emergency rooms are being filled up with people thinking they have the flu but what they have is one of the bugs.  Which don't respond to treatment and have to be worn out.  Yesterday, I started to feel pretty bad and was exhausted by the end of the day so I was pretty sure that I might have one of those bugs.  The cold-type, not the flu-type is my guess.  I didn't want to go to work today, but I had a couple of projects that I had to do and that had to be done today so I had no choice.  I got everything done that needed to be done and I was pretty tired by the end of the day. Also, I'm still sneezing my head off and tonight my throat is getting sore.
I am most likely going to be home tomorrow, but I'll decide for sure in the morning.
The extreme cold last night that hung around until this morning didn't help!  It was in the low teens last night and I like to froze just going from the house to the car this morning!  It was so cold that my car had difficulty getting warm enough to actually blow other-than-ice-cold-air when I needed the heater.  It won't be as cold tonight, but it will still be cold.
I picked Otter up at her apartment after work today - she made a point of keeping the neck of her hoodie over her face and not facing me!  I don't blame her, she doesn't want to be sick.  Anyway, she got the car tonight and will have it until Sunday.  She'll bring her laundry over then and might actually get to keep the car all next week as well because Bill's taking a few vacation days so he'll be off the entire week of Thanksgiving.  Although I'm probably going to take her car to Chevy to get the oil changed on Black Friday, and Bill will need it one day to replace a clogged valve.
Anyway, here's the funny stuff:

This one is especially funny, Dad always told a joke about how he grabbed Preparation H instead of his denture adhesive once!  I don't really think it happened, I have heard variations of that joke for years but it was funny anyway.

OK, so that's not funny.  But it is true and we always like Mike Rowe.  Dirty Jobs is no longer being produced, but we always wanted to see a show where he painted parking lots - preferably lots in S. TEXAS that had been baking in the incandescent sun all day!

This one isn't actually a joke, either.  It's true!

I like this one for a couple of reasons!  Not the least of which is that I'm married to an Engineer and most of the stories about them are true....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it did really happen to Dad.
I love the cat picture because it looks so much like Chester.