Monday, November 10, 2014

Is This a Job for the Tooth Fairy?

Otter didn't exactly lose a tooth today.  Well, she sort-of did.  Maybe!
She had an appointment with the dentist this morning for the crown prep - which we thought was only the impressions based on what they told us when we set up her various appointments originally.  I thought that she already had the temp crown on, but what she actually had was "just" the filling/root canal stuff.  So, she goes in today thinking that it will be a short appointment and it turned out to be the impressions PLUS the crown prep which included grinding the tooth down enough to be able to attach the crown, which means a shot (and she did ask for the gas) and a temporary crown.  The actual crown will take about 2 weeks, so we made an appointment for 2 weeks from today.  The dentist tried to match her tooth color but because it's a front tooth and they couldn't get an exact match, they suggested we go straight to the lab to get the color match done.  I talked to the lab, it turns out that they are right down the street from where I work and she has an appointment at 9:00 in the morning.  Because she had to get the happy gas today, she really wasn't up to being dropped off at the library which was the original plan and she didn't want to be alone.  So, I took her back to work with me for the rest of the day.  She spent the time parked with her laptop, like she did last week after the root canal.  She was able to eat and was pretty hungry by noon, so we went to McD's so she could get chicken nuggets.  She figured that the would be soft enough and that she could also bite into them with her side teeth.  It took her a while to really recover from the happy gas, even with the oxygen they gave her after the procedure it takes a while - thanks to the RedHead Curse and the way we metabolize everything!
Otter didn't really eat enough last week, which probably didn't help her with the migraine and the bug she had.  She brought the car back yesterday afternoon, she texted me to tell me that she was heading over and could I please make her something to eat?  I opened a can of tuna for her, it's soft enough to eat and it also has quite a bit of protein.  I made her macaroni & cheese as well, she was absolutely starved and it disappeared pretty fast!
Bill's sister was in town today, we met her at Fuddruckers for dinner and by that time Otter was able to eat a little easier.  She still had to cut her burger into 4th, but she managed to eat half of it.  The other half and the french fries she didn't finish went home with her.  Otter enjoyed getting to visit with her Aunt, but she was pretty tired by the time the meal was done.  I took her home after we ate, she was going to take an allergy pill tonight because she needs it for allergies but it will also help her sleep which she might need after the dental work today.  Although the temp crown will protect her tooth, it's still tender.  Her tooth was pretty tender, but it was almost impossible for her not to bump it because it's a front tooth.
It was very windy today (which is why my allergies are on overdrive and Otter's are ramping up as well) and there is a cold front coming in tonight.  Emphasis on COLD.  We have a good chance of a "wintery mix" by Saturday morning.  Bill's going to bring in more firewood tomorrow, we might be having fires in the evening this week and we will definitely have one Saturday morning.  I was originally going to get groceries tonight but that has been put off until possibly tomorrow.  Maybe Wednesday, but I don't want to wait.  It's not going to be a B-M-T storm, but I still don't want to wait.  I also need to get the oil changed in my car this week.  I am going to go back to the Chevy dealer we're not happy with, but only for the oil change and only because I can not wait any longer.  Bill/Otter's Impala is also almost ready for an oil change, but I think I'll have enough time to check out another Chevy dealer in the area.  There are several of them.
I did make it to Tuesday Morning today, they don't have the towels like I bought Saturday so I'm going to go back to the closer store and get one of the larger towels if they still have them.  They do have some bathmats, but none that I liked.  I'll find one eventually, I just want one that is the right color but that is also not going to fall apart after a couple of runs through the washing machine!  I don't think that's too much to ask!

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