Friday, November 14, 2014

Cold Stuff's a'Comin!!**

It's cold and has been for days.  But it's fixin** to get colder.  And the forecast also includes what we refer to as the "S" Word:  SNOW.  It's not expected to be much.  However, it's a documented fact that our weather people do not know what they are doing until and unless it is happening "now" so one of two things will happen if we do get snow:  a)  not much or b) SNOWMAGEDDON.
I think that it will be a), but I'm always prepared anyway.  I got dog food yesterday, but I literally ran out completely yesterday morning and almost didn't have enough.  Actually, I didn't have enough but they got a torn up slice of bread with what little kibble we had left and a couple extra morning treats.  I stopped for milk this morning, we weren't completely out but were close.  While I don't think we'll get much, if any, I really don't want to have to get out to go buy milk if it is as cold as is probably will be.
I did not forget about Veteran's Day.  I posted something on Facebook and was going to post it here but I got busy and by the time I remembered it, it was too late and I was too tired.  But I still want to say THANK YOU to all our Veteran's.  Lots of them are family and many of them are gone already (like my Dad).  But still, THANK YOU.
Anybody need me this weekend, I'll be curled up in front of the fireplace with yarn in one hand and a hook in the other!
**(Remember, I am TEXAN.  We have our own language.  That includes our own punctuation and our own pronunciation!)

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