Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall Monday

It's Fall and this is NE Oklahoma.  So that means that it's windy.  Today, it's WINDY WINDY WINDY.  We have some limbs down (small ones) from the trees in the back yard and Bill said that he saw one was down beside the garage.  But I'm not going to even think about picking them up at the moment.  It's one of those "rocks in the pockets" days, and we also wouldn't been surprised to see fatbeagle flying around with those long ears of hers.

It took a while, ok it took a loooooong while, but we managed to teach Maggie to leave the kitchen when we tell her to "scamper."  But now we are having to re-educate her a little bit, she's gotten used to coming into the kitchen for what she sees as a snack when in reality she's being medicated.  But she seems to remember, although she doesn't like it.  Frasier is easy, he hears the word "scamper" and he either goes into the living room or out the dog door.  He generally comes right back in, however.

I forgot to mention this, but last week when Bill's Pachinko collection increased, the first one he got was at a house a couple of streets away from our old house.  So we drove by and it looks good.  The new owner seems to be keeping it up, the yard looked good and it looked like he's maintaining it.  He was actually going out the back gate to his car, which is what we always did.  The way the driveway at that house is, we hardly ever actually used the front door because it was easier to go out the back door.  Most people that know us figured out pretty quickly that they should just come to the back door and the front door was almost never even unlocked.

I managed to get some crochet in before I left for work this morning.  I'm almost finished with the first half of the final pillow cover.  I haven't had a lot of time to work on the pillows, I've had a few other projects that are gifts so I wanted to get them done.  I'm still working on one gift, but it will take longer because of the size and stitch.  It was a crazy day at work, one where I wanted to just run off and never come back, so I am desperately in need of a crochet fix!  I think I'll get started on that when I finish this entry.  I'm going to get at least the first side of the pillow cover finished and maybe start on the second side.

I have managed to find a use for some of my stash.  The bigger project is being done with the yarn that I found at Wallyworld a month or so back that was clearance and I mentioned as being my downfall.  I just need to keep de-stashing.  Which is hard!  I really hate to not use what I buy, I don't like to waste it.  But I like having an assortment on hand because I generally have whatever I need when I find a project I want to work on.  The problem is that it's Fall and the new yarn colors have come out.  Then it will be Christmas and that means new colors.  Then Spring, and that means more new colors...

As Mom used to say (I think it was her), I can't win for losing!


Anonymous said...

A suggested use for green yarn-use it to tie up plants, it doesn't show and birds can use some of it for nest building. Birds will use any color, I think.
I think that was moms expression. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I leave small end pieces of yarn out in the yard in the spring, the birds pick them up for nesting material. They have to be cut fairly small.