Thursday, October 21, 2010


OK, Froggy.  There is something new on the blog now!  So you can quit complaining because I haven't blogged lately.

Maggie's head is still empty.  But it's also not healing.  Frasier keeps licking the spot, as soon as it starts to heal up he manages to "unheal" it.  I called the vet today.  The tech couldn't come up with anything that I could put on the spot that wouldn't hurt Frasier, so she asked the vet about it.  The vet suggested an antibiotic pill to ward off any potential infection and also a steroid.  Maggie loved the first one, it was a pill and she could eat it easly.  The second one is a capsule.  She was pretty happy about that one too - but it could have had something to do with the ham it was wrapped in.  The steroid is something that I have to give her on a set schedule with reducing dosages each day.  Being the mother of an asthmatic and an asthmatic myself, this particular steroid and the weaning schedule is something that we're familiar with.  So it's not going to be a problem.  One of the medications can make the dog thirstier than normal, but there shouldn't be any other side effect beyond the obvious one caused by increased water intake.

My allergies are beginning to kick up.  Fall is probably the worst time of year as far as my allergies go.  I'm thinking that ragweed is bothering me, as well as mountain cedar which is always a fun one to deal with.  I can't take allergy meds.  They don't work on me.  They usually cause sleeplessness and fatigue as well as fog brain.  So I just have to suffer.  Motrin helps with the sinus headache.  But mostly, I just have to put up with it.

Think I'll go see what's on tv now.  We don't actually watch a lot of tv, so I have no idea what is on that we might be interested in on Thursday nights.

Oh yeah - the pachinko collection increased today.  By 2!


Anonymous said...

But I like to complain, so I will just have to find something else to complain about. I am the opposite with allergy meds. Everything makes me sleep and be foggy brained for about 24 hours. Not much on TV on Thursday nights that I like. My favorite night is Tuesday- NCIS and The Goodwife. Has the yarn stash increased lately?


Otter Mom said...

I'm working on de-stashing. I haven't bought any new yarn in a while and I'm trying to use up some of what I have on hand.

Anonymous said...

I have heard this story before. When will you go yarn shopping?

Otter Mom said...

At this point, I'm not yarn shopping. It's hard, but I am restraining myself unless I have a specific need for a project. I have been shopping, just not for yarn! Today it was Fenton.