Sunday, October 03, 2010

Sunday Crazies

Otter's first suggestion for today's title was Sunday Pain.  Because she woke up with it.

It's been allergy season lately, fall is a bad time for Otter's allergies.  Mine aren't the best, but hers are worse this time of year.  She has had several times lately where she's needed her benadryl.  Yesterday, she spent most of the day fighting off a headache.  She was supposed to go to BF's yesterday, but didn't even feel up to that so she cancelled and they made plans to maybe see each other today before he had to go to work.  This morning, she woke up with actual sinus pain and not just the headache, so I was pretty sure we were dealing with a sinus infection.  I didn't want to make her wait until tomorrow when our doctor's office opens, so I took her to a doc-in-the-box and he confirmed my suspicions.  She's on an antibiotic and has an excuse for school tomorrow in case she needs to stay home.  Which she probably will.  She's better than she was earlier, but she had to cancel her plans with BF again.  He's understanding, we're taking him to the Fair with us next Sunday so they have that to look forward to.

After the doctor's, we went to Walgreen's and got Otter's prescription and then I went to Wally to get chicken soup fixins.  (Fixins is an official word in the Texas Language).  Otter just finished two bowls of the soup and she said that it helped.  She does feel better but not the best and I'm going to suggest that she not even try to go to school tomorrow.  She's been parked on the couch with a blanket and pillow for the most part today.

While I was at Wallyworld, I bought (big surprise) yarn.  I actually needed this yarn, I have just about finished up my pillows and discovered that I didn't have enough of any one particular color to finish and I didn't want to mix & match colors that don't go together.  I have managed to de-stash quite a bit and will use what I got today for other things, as they are both very pretty shades of brown.  I spent a lot of time yesterday crocheting and really enjoyed it.  But my skin is acting up so I'm not sure how much I'll get done this coming week.  I have dry skin anyway and it's also sensitive skin according to my dermatologist - but I already knew that!  One of my skin allergies is to adhesive.  Like the kind that is on most bandaids.  I managed to catch a fingernail on something the other day and broke it off pretty far back, which wasn't pleasant to start with.  But then I sliced the top of that same finger on something and everytime it would be nearly healed, I'd bump it on something else and reopen the cut.  So I finally gave in and kept bandaids on it for several days, because that was the only way I could protect it and also remember that it was there.  However, now that the cut is healed I have a nice little spot on the other side of my finger tip where my skin is trying to peel off.  Courtesy of my adhesive allergy!  Can't win for losing, as someone I used to know said (can't remember who said that).  I guess I'll go back to my latex gloves when I crochet.  And lots of lotion!

It wasn't Texas' year in the Red River Rivalry.  Well, there's always next year!  Besides, we did win the last 3 in a row.  We just wanted Texas to beat the you-know-what out of the sooners because of the stupid player's comments.

I haven't gotten much of anything accomplished that I wanted to today, but I'm not complaining.  I am just glad that Otter's doing better than she was.  I have managed to get most of my laundry done, but that's not exactly my favorite chore (as well all know!).

This week looks like it's going to be pretty busy.  The closing on the refinance is this week and there are a bunch of other things going on.  And since it's Fall, it's been very cool at night.  We've had a couple of nights that got down into the 50's and possibly even the high 40's although I'm not sure about that.  The days have been absolutely beautiful, but now I think it's time to start looking for firewood.  We'll need it soon enough.  We have some left from last year, but we want to stock up a little bit because it's one of those things where the price gets raised through the roof, once the weather really turns.

I'm actually anxious for winter, I have been wanting real s'mores for a while.  We make them in the microwave, but somehow they are just not the same!

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