Saturday, October 30, 2010

Quiet Saturday Evening

Otter's at her friend's party, so it's just me and Billyboy.  And two dogs and one hamster.  And one spider, but he's out on the back deck hanging out!

The spider was gone this morning, and most of the web was as well.  So we thought he'd moved on, hopefully to better hunting and not to a bird's tummy.  But he's back this evening, he was busily building his web when I looked out late this afternoon.  I could watch him for hours.

Otter gave up on the skirt for the costume.  She waited too long, basically.  It was a little more sewing time than she thought, she's still going to finish it and wear it as a regular skirt.  But she had to go with a slightly different costume.  She's still Harley Quinn, who is a character from Batman.  Harley is the Joker's crazed girlfriend.  A few weeks back, Otter found a red & black 2-piece jester costume at a thrift store.  She bought it to change around and use next summer at the anime convention she wants to attend.  She went to this year's con with BF, that's when they wore the cat costume pieces.  When it was obvious that she didn't have enough time to make the skirt, she was going to wear one of her other skirts but then I remembered the jester costume.  She decided to wear it instead, she still wore the blonde wig, the black gloves, mismatched shoes and the face make up.  She looked really cute, although I'm not sure that she would make a good blonde!  :)  Anyway, I dropped her off at the party about 6:30 and I'll pick her up tomorrow late morning.  Maggie is probably already moping, looking for Otter.  That's what usually happens when Otter's not here.  But Maggie is back to sleeping in Otter's room, so she'll be fine.

I'm thinking that tomorrow might be when we start getting the tulip bed ready.  Basically, we have to clean out all the weeds, etc. that have over taken it.  Then we will treat the dirt with a combination of water, mineral oil and liquid dish soap.  Not much soap, and baby oil is basically mineral oil with scent so it's what I use.  Then I might treat it again in a week or so, and then we'll plant the bulbs.

I did some crochet today, not as much as I hoped but I was able to finish one project.  I also did some on my pillow covers, I'm on the last piece of the last pillow.  And I worked on Bill's blanket.  The blanket is now big enough to cover the top of our bed, but it needs to be bigger so that it covers the sides a little bit.  It's pretty big, just not quite big enough.  I'm thinking that I'm just about ready to start on the afghan, although I think I'll need to come up with a couple of smaller projects as well.  That way, when I get frustrated with the time it's taking or just want to be finished soon, I'll have something I can finish quickly.  I know myself, and I'll need some smaller items.  I have a few ideas on that.

Otter wore her black & white scarf yesterday, she said it was really warm.  I'm glad that she likes it.  It was in the low 30's yesterday morning, so I'm glad that it was warm.  And I'm glad that I finished all the tails!  The crochet wasn't hard and was quick.  But there were so many tails, because the rows were small and there were lots of changes between black & white.  I enjoyed making it for her.

OK, Froggy.  Now you can't say that I haven't blogged enough!  I've blogged every day this week.  Don't expect it to continue.  I do have a life you know.  And it revolves around crochet!  :)


Anonymous said...

Now where are all the pictures of what you have finished? See I can always find something to nag you about! Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I haven't posted the pictures yet, because the last two are gifts and they haven't been given yet! Soon, I promise.