Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Swiss Cheese

Today's title refers to Maggie's holey head.  It's still empty, by the way.  But the belly isn't, Otter had a couple of bites of spaghetti left after lunch so the dogs got a treat.  They love spaghetti.  Me, too!

Maggie is doing fine, her head spot seems much better.  Frasier doesn't think that it's fair she's getting more attention than he is, but he wouldn't want the type of attention she got anyway.  He's not a fan of the vet, any more than she is.

I can't get a shot that's not blurry for some reason.  But here's the newest addition to my Fenton collection.  This is a 6" bud vase, created between 1959 and July of 1961.  At the time, it was called Topaz glass but it's now known as vaseline glass.  It glows when exposed to a blacklight.  Vaseline has a very small amount of a radioactive substance which causes it to glow and it's just gorgeous!  It was very much worth the $10 I paid for it.  It's absolutely perfect and it still has the original Fenton sticker label which is almost never seen anymore on pieces from that era.

It rained a tiny bit on Friday, then we had off & on mild thunder and rain yesterday.  It's dry today, back to the 70's.  It's humid, however.  I've been fighting off allergy issues for days and the humidity is not helping.  I've been feeling like I'm borderline on the asthma scale.

Otter's busily rearranging some stuff in her room.  Bill got her a tv a couple of weeks back and she's trying to figure out where to put it.  She's pretty limited, it's almost got to be on one specific wall.  The problem was that she didn't have anything to put it on but she realized that the small table she had her art supplies on will hold it.  Now she's got to move stuff around to put it where it needs to be.  Eventually (soon) Bill gets to run wire in there so we can hook it up to the satellite.  I think he'll have to make a trip to the attic for that.

We went to the library today.  We also went to Hancock's Fabrics and Otter found the buttons she needed for her costume.  She's going to a costume party next weekend.  She's going as Harley Quinn, which is a character from Batman.  When she gets through making noise in her room, and running the vacuum to get all the glitter off the floor that was formerly on top of her art table, she is probably going to get started on making the costume.  She's making a skirt which she'll probably wear as a normal piece of clothing.  She's also got a reddish satin blouse that we picked up at a thrift store and she's going to customize it.  It's not a color that she'd ever wear except as part of the costume anyway.  Hopefully, I'll remember to get pictures for the craft blog.

I have a couple of crochet projects that I did remember to get pictures of, but they aren't on the blog yet.  They will be, but not yet as they are gifts for various people.  I also decided to fringe my marble scarf, I did that yesterday before I got lost in my yarn stash.

We watched the movie How to Train Your Dragon yesterday.  It was surprisingly cute.

Well, back to my laundry now.  And I'd better go check on Otter.  I don't hear anything else from her room and she is her father's daughter after all! :)


Anonymous said...

The bud vase is neat. Didn't Mom or AJ have some of this? Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Mom had a puff box, which is what powder boxes used to be called. It's clear with white bumps and is round. It's broken, so it's in my china cabinet where it's protected. I don't think she or AJ had any vaseline, at least I don't remember any.