Wednesday, October 13, 2010


OK, I know that this is Tornado Alley and we expect certain things in the springtime.  I know that we are for enough "north" to get actual winter, including ice.  Sometimes, it floods in this general area.  We've had more than one hailstorm.  But this is a first:

Shake, Rattle & Roll!

There have been tremors and small earthquakes in the state before, they are usually in the southern part of the state and are fairly small.  Today's was still small in the sense that it wasn't a California-style quake.  But it was a new experience for most people.  It was so small that I didn't even really feel it, but I did hear it.  The duplex I work in was a little noisy, I heard what sounded like someone walking in the attic and it lasted a couple of seconds.  Then I forgot about it.  Then I went to a thrift store at lunch (Fenton!) and the lady in line ahead of me was talking to the cashier about it.  Apparently, the employees at the thrift store felt it.  It was minor, just a little wiggle.  The epicenter is in the Norman area, which is south of Oklahoma City.  It was felt into Kansas and south of Dallas, but the worse damage is in Norman.  And it's not much.  But the reporters are talking like we've had a fall-off-the-face-of-the-earth-into-the-ocean event!

Well, they generally do panic and over dramatize.  I guess it's their job.  If so, they do it well.

OK, on to other things.  Fenton things.  I found a signed Fenton bud vase at the thrift I was in at lunch, for $1.48.  It's in perfect shape and it's now on the shelves with my other Fenton pieces.  I was just saying this morning that my Fenton collection hadn't expanded in a long time and that it was time to find more.  Then I did, so I'm happy.  I also found something for Froggy.  I'm not telling - except that it is not crochet related although it is sewing related.  And I've already got one of them myself.

After Otter got home today, we went to another thrift store so I could give them back the suede coat I bought from them 2 years ago.  And I found something else for Froggy!  I'm still not telling, but I don't have one of these.  Otter and I think that Mom would have also liked it.

And that's all I'm going to say.


Alexandra said...

Glad ya'll are okay! I thought about you when I heard about the quake.

Anonymous said...

I can just hear Dad now. He would say you should move back, now that you have tornadoes and quakes. I have really missed him and Mom this week. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I've been wondering what he would say. I know that he would tell me to move back, he'd probably have something to say alright!