Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday Webs

Not the World Wide kind.

This kind:

Oh yeah, it's got a resident.  The 8-legged kind.  It's been there since this morning, I don't think he's had too much hunting sucess today.  It's probably a little too cool for many bugs to be out.  But he's still trying.  The web is over a foot wide and it's just beautiful.  So's the spider!

I took one of the bluebonnet plants in to work today.  My 94 year old boss is a fellow Texan.  He was absolutely overjoyed with it.  Among other things, he has a rubber snake that he keeps in the indoor atrium we have in the office.  The snake has now been draped over the sides of the pot the bluebonnet is in.  I expect this one to do well, it should get plenty of light in the atrium.

We could get our first freeze.  It will at least be in the high 30's tonight and into the early morning hours of tomorrow.  But tomorrow night, it's probably going to be much colder.  Even if it's not a hard or long freeze, it will help as far as pollen and allergies go.

I've been fighting allergies all day long.  I got lunch  from a chinese place near work, Hot & Sour Soup.  It helped my throat which was sore and it also cleaned my sinuses!  For a while, anyway.  I've sneezed more times than I can count.  I've also had itchy eyes.  Otter's been sneezing a lot, too.

Otter's excited.  She gets to vote for the first time, next week in the local elections.  We have several things to vote on.  I'm going to pick her up from school and we'll go vote then.  It is a big deal, to her and to us.  Voting is not something that can be ignored, it's something we have always encouraged.  And now, Otter is 18 and is ready to excercise that particular Right.

And now, I'm going to go sneeze again.  And probably again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the spider picture. We went to the garden store to look at planters today and inside one was a really neat web and spider. Since it was across the top of the pot I don't know how it will catch anything.
I will probably have to replace the 2 barrel planters that I have in the front yard. They are beginning to fall apart. Froggy