Monday, July 16, 2012

Dove Tails and Otter Oops

Remember this?:

Mason Jar Soap Pump

That's what the Otter Oops part of the title refers to.

Tomorrow, or when I get around to it, I'm going to go out in the garage and dig around to find another jar.  I have several and I know where they are, it's just that I have to climb the Pachinko mountain to get to them.  Frankly, I'm surprised that it lasted this long!

Yesterday, Otter noticed a dove in the yard when she was cleaning out the dog yard.  The dove was just sitting there, and it was still there several hours later when I let the dogs out to play.  They came back in immediately, because I could tell that the dove was injured and I didn't want Frasier to kill it.  It was moving around, it walked some but didn't act like it was doing too well.  We put water out for her, in a shallow plastic dish that goes underneath a flower pot.  There are a couple of rocks in the dish to keep it from blowing away.  We put it in the area where she was sitting, which was towards the back of the yard.  This morning, I didn't see her and figured that a cat must have gotten her in the night.  But she was still out there this afternoon, walking around and standing straighter.  She looks a lot perkier.  Otter put a little more water in the dish and this time we put out some birdseed.  We kind of spread it around, since she did seem to be eating from the ground like they do.  We do not want to tame her, but we are willing to help her along if she is able to heal.  She can fly just a tiny bit, I don't think her wing is broken but she does look like maybe she got away from a cat because of some feather damage.  The dogs won't be out in the back yard for the rest of today, we'll decide about tomorrow then.  She's an adult and not a nestling that fell out of a nest.


Anonymous said...

I like the soap pump. hows the bird? froggy

Otter Mom said...

As of Tuesday afternoon, we haven't seen her. We'll look this evening, we thought yesterday that maybe she'd hidden during the daytime.