Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Warm Wednesday

Not necessarily a Whine Wednesday, but there may be a little whining.

No "Wine" because I'm out and am not inclined to get out to go to the liquor store.  So, maybe just a little "Whining".  Or maybe not.

Otter's on a date this evening.  This is one that her father actually liked - he likes HP as much as he can, but HP is still a "boy" and father's don't really like their daughter's boyfriends no matter what they say!  But their plans this evening were to eat dinner with his parents and then they were all going to church.  Which might sound like a boring date to some people, but not to us.

Strange thing on the news yesterday.  The downtown (main branch) of the Tulsa Library has bed bugs.  The were found one one chair, they were discovered by someone who was bitten and recognized it.  The library has been closed since then, and today they brought in the big gun:  a Beagle!  The beagle in question is named Miss Liberty Belle and she's really cute.  The news reported this afternoon that she hasn't found anymore, and she has a very high sucess rate so they think that it's been caught in time.  But they aren't going to reopen until tomorrow in all probability.

There is a rumor that the Pixar company might be thinking about another sequal to Toy Story.  Frankly, I hope that they don't.  There are a couple of shorts and they might have a few more of those, but I hope that they realize how much they are risking with this one.  Toy Story is a very special movie series, and the ending was so precious.  They need to leave it alone!  It will always, always hold a special place in our hearts - for reasons that are probably extremely obvious to people who know us.

Otter's just about through with her summer semester.  She has one class on Monday, the final exam is actually an essay that was assigned today and is to be turned in on Monday and that will be the last time for that class.  The afternoon class is not in session on Monday, but will be in on Wednesday.  The final exam is a regular test and she'll take it then.  We were going to the library Sunday afternoon (not the downtown branch!) but I think we'll most likely change our plans to me picking her up Monday after her morning class and then dropping her off at the library for the afternoon.

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