Sunday, July 08, 2012

That's a Wrap Sunday

We had chicken fajita wraps for lunch today.  But the title could also mean the end of the week wrap-up, or the end of vacation wrap-up.  I think mostly, it means lunch.  I had planned on chicken fajita tacos, but it morphed into wraps instead.  Basically the same, slightly different vegetable combo but basically the same.  It was good.  We usually make wraps with plain chicken breast, but I think that we're probably going to keep making them with fajita seasoned chicken breast.  I prefer sun-dried tomato basil tortilla wraps, Bill likes jalepeno cheddar and Otter likes plain flour tortillas for hers.

We finally got around to buying a new fan for the bedroom.  When Froggy came to visit me a couple of years ago, she liked using a fan in the bedroom at night.  Since I was just starting to get into the "hot years", I started using one as well.  We had two, one was a telescoping base so it could be set at whatever height I wanted.  The other one was a standard tabletop size fan and Otter's been using it.  Both of them were old, the one Otter had came from an auction several years back and Bill thinks that the telescoping one we had in our room was possibly from his friend Larry.  Larry's been gone over 5 years now, and he'd had it for a few years himself.  Both of them were starting to make noise and not working very well.  So, when Bill needed to go to the hardware store today I went along.  And stood in front of the fan display for a while, waiting for Billyboy.  It apparently worked (he'd been saying that there was nothing wrong with the fans) because we came home with a new fan for our room.  We had a box fan that we occasionally used in the window, but it's now in Otter's room.  It just fits on the small table she had her fan on and it works better for what she wants.  I want the fan blowing on me, she prefers to have the fan blowing away from her and circulating the air.

I'm hoping that it will help her, she hasn't been sleeping well lately.  She has not felt too good lately, it's probably allergy.  But it could also be part of the RedHead Curse.  It's not just bleeding massively from minor cuts, we also tend to be low on iron and are somewhat prone to anemia.  Otter's increasing the amount of iron/protein she eats, and we'll watch for a while to see if that helps her general symptoms.  But I'm really thinking that it's mostly allergy related.  The other possibility is that she might have thyroid issues, which the doctor did think was a possiblity earlier in the year for some other reasons.

Frasier is also giving me fits.  He's back at the spot on his leg.  He was leaving it alone for a while, I'd used the spray which shrunk it slightly but it wasn't growing any bigger either.  But I've noticed that it's getting bigger again (a lot) and that he's licking/chewing on it again.  I've used the spray again the last few days, but the spray actually makes him lick at it more.  Yesterday, we tried using vet wrap (similar to a disposable, self-sticking elastic bandage) and wrapping all the way around his leg after spraying.  It was a battle.  Then, it was a battle keep him inside.  We lost that battle, by the way.  He ran outside and came back in after a few minutes.  The vet wrap was around his "ankle" and he'd obviously been licking at the spot again.  I'm probably going to have to talk to the vet again.  I still think it could be a tumor, and not a lick granuloma as the vet thought.  But we'll see.  Fraiser will be due for his rabies shots this month, and I'll see what the vet thinks then.

Movie review:  Journey 2.  This is the sequel to the Journey to the Center of the Earth movie from a few years ago.  The one with Brendan Frasier.  This one was not the best.  It was based on the same Jules Verne stories, but it just wasn't that good.  I think that they tried to hard with it, it had way too much crammed into a short time and it just wasn't very good.  The acting was sub-par and the writing was bad.  It still wasn't as bad as some of the movies we've rented lately, but it's not one I care to watch again.

It rained yesterday.  Not much, but it was nice while it lasted.  Of course, it's super humid today.

I started Otter's Autumn Red scarf yesterday.  I got the first row done and started the second, but then it was suddenly naptime.  It was the couch's fault! :)

Back to the real world tomorrow!

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