Friday, July 27, 2012

Pretty Hot Friday

I'm not sure, but I think it's somewhere in the neighborhood of 102 to 104.  It's actually going to get hotter over the next few days.  I see a lot of time spent inside over the next week!

We also have ozone alerts announced already.  It's hot and there is no wind to speak of, so I'm not surprised.

Otter is having some mild asthma symptoms, which could well be a side-effect from the heat.  She's never had a problem with her asthma related to heat before but it does seem to be affecting her now.  She's still got a fairly good peak flow reading, it's still in her high range.  But it's in the low end of her high range.  She's had the lung tightness that usually signals a flare starting up.  Since she's about to head to TEXAS in a week, she's going to be very careful over the next few days and avoid as many triggers as she possibly can.

I've been having allergy issues all day, but garden variety and not asthma triggers.  Although I won't be surprised if mine show up soon.

We're planning on watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics this evening.  Otter reminded me of something earlier in the week:  for the last few opening ceremonies, she's always gotten sick!  As in running-the-the-bathroom-and-heaving!  She may have already had her "traditional ceremony" this year, she threw up last night.  But she'd been having some allergy issues and that is probably why.  She's hoping to break the trend tonight and not get sick!

There is a grass roots support day for ChickFilA, next Wednesday is the day that whomever organized it wants people to show their support by eating there.  Otter's dental appointment is that afternoon, and we're going to stop by on the way home for dinner to go.

I fail to see how ChickFilA is actually descriminating.  They haven't refused service to anyone, they have not done anything other than answer a question that was posed to the management specifically to get the answer that they gave.

Sad, the state that this country (and society) is heading for.

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