Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Scoops

July is International Ice Cream Month.  (Maybe National, not sure!).  July 15 is International Ice Cream DAY.

We're participating in this particular holiday, just in case anybody is interested.  :)

This is my kind of ice cream cone!  We went to Braums on Thursday or Friday and picked up 2 cartons, so we're having ice cream.  Just not in cone form.

I like this kind of "scoop" as well.  Just in case there was any doubt!

I put two rows on Otter's scarf yesterday.  It's going to be 6 rows in all, the yarn is smaller than what I usually use so it will need an extra row.  It's turning out well and I really like the yarn.  Then, I think I'll get back on my turquoise shawl.

We went through the grocery bag of pictures that I mentioned a few days ago.  We tossed a lot of it - about 3/4 of the pictures wound up in the trash.  They were things like animals from the zoo and/or Seaworld, pictures of Otter's stuffed animals when she was tiny (remember the Beanie Baby craze?), a whole bunch of pictures that I'd taken when we first moved into the old house to send to Mom and Dad so they could see the house (those came back to me as part of their estate, so they did see the pictures) and quite a few were duplicates as well as lots and lots of assorted scenery that nobody could identify!  Froggy, I found a few pictures that I'm going to send you.  Some of them are from when you and your crew came to see us, your kiddos (and mine!) were a lot younger and it's amazing how much they've changed.

I'm sure we still have more pictures to go through, I think that we might actually have a couple of boxes of them.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but Otter goes to the dentist on August 1st.  It's her regular cleaning, but the dentist will also take an x-ray to determine the status of her remaining two wisdom teeth.  I had an appointment set up several weeks back, but then Otter's allergies kicked in strongly and I didn't want to subject her to the dentist at the time - also, we thought she was actually coming down with something and didn't want to expose anybody else to it but then it turned out to be "just" allergies.  If Otter's wisdom teeth are ready, it will probably be over her Christmas break when they are removed.  (I don't call it Winter Break, it IS Christmas Break.)  Which is probably not a fun time, but since the Fall term of her 2nd year of college is about to start and she has a trip to Nana's coming up right before it starts, she doesn't really have time.  Besides, I don't want to have her undergo oral surgery right before school starts again.  We did that last year and I'd like to avoid that this time.

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