Sunday, February 23, 2014


Almost a year ago, Otter turned 21.  Shortly before that, she entered the world of employment.  She said that neither of those would make her really an adult.  What would?  Filing taxes.
As of 4:40 this afternoon, she is officially an adult.  She filed her taxes for the first time.  So, does she feel like an adult yet?
No.  She feels like a 12-year old in an adult suit!
Not sure why, she's getting money back at least.  So are we, but since she is "officially" an adult now, we can't claim her on our taxes.  Since we lost the big deduction, we aren't getting back nearly what we used to or hoped for, but we are getting about what we expected so I'm not complaining.
Bill and I are still dealing with the various bugs.  We are both feeling better, but not well yet.  He's still coughing but he's not coughing as hard or as often.  I'm coughing more, but that is most likely because the URI is aggravating my asthma.  I'm not coughing horribly, just coughing.  I took my last antibiotic today.  Bill is still on them for a few days, I think Thursday is his last day of them.  He's taken the cough medicine every night and yesterday he took a couple of doses during the day since he was home.  It made him a little groggy, which is why he was mainly just taking it at night.
We did get out today.  Bill needed to get something from the hardware store and the tool store (where Otter works).  Froggy commented about Uncle Crazy not being able to "stay on task" at stores like Home Depot or Lowe's.  I know exactly what she means!  I had to go with Billyboy to Ace Hardware just for that reason.  Otter got to escort him around the tool store, since she knows where everything is already.  But she was generous and used her employee discount on the stuff he bought.  Just those two stops exhausted Bill and I was pretty tired as well.  We also stopped at the video store and post office to check the box, but Otter ran in and took care of those two for us.  We brought Bill home, then Otter and I went back to Wallyworld because there were 3 or 4 things I forgot at the grocery store the other day.  AFTER we got there, we both realized that I could have just sent her for me but by that point, it didn't matter as I was already there. 
There was a Girl Scout cookie booth at Wallyworld, so we got 5 boxes.  We'll probably get more, we usually buy cookies from every booth or scout we see.  They are good cookies and the cookie sales help the girls directly.  There has been a rumor about the Girl Scouts organization supporting abortion rights, but I've done the research and it's just a rumor.
The movie we rented for yesterday was Free Birds.  Free would be overpaying for it!  It was pretty terrible.
Frasier got another mole.  Otter was cleaning out the dog yard this afternoon and she found a dead mole.  It was probably Frasier, he's been the one who's spent the most time outside.  Maggie gets them sometimes, but she's been spending most of her time lately inside - snoozing at my feet, under whatever blanket I happen to be using!

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