Monday, February 24, 2014

Still At It

The view from my couch is getting kind of old!
We both managed to go to work this morning.  I made it until 10:30, Bill lasted a little longer.  I think he left about 11:30.  We are both still coughing, his is better but mine is worse.  I am definitely having an asthma flare, I'm sure it's caused by the URI and it is not unexpected. It's not horrible, but it's probably the worst one I've had in a while.  I've coughed myself dizzy a couple of times today.  That happens sometimes.  Bill took a nap when he got home, I thought I might doze off on the couch but I never quite did.
I did get some crochet done today, which is the first time in a couple of weeks I think.  I was going to do some a few days ago, but I felt cruddy and was afraid I would wind up frogging it out because I wasn't in a creative mood.  Today, I put 4 more cream rows on the afghan.  It's cool enough that I would not have minded having a blanket on my lap even if I felt good.  I'll put 4 more green rows on it next, then I'll do what I've been doing with it which is use it for a few days and see if it's long enough then.
I was piddling around on one of the official Star Trek sites and it had a poll:  who is the best villain?  Obviously, the Borg Queen!  One of the voters described the character as Terrifying.  I kind of liked that...

I thought that was funny.

Here's another one:

Because everything one could ever need is inside the box!
Maggie just emerged from her spot on the floor, where she's been keeping my feet warm.  She also likes it when I'm working on the afghan.  Except for when I come to the end of a row and have to turn it over to start on the next row, she doesn't really like to be disturbed when she's napping.  Which is 90% of the time!

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