Thursday, February 27, 2014


Nearly there.  I almost feel human again.  Or Borg, I should probably say!
Mostly, I've rested today.  I did take Otter to work so I could go to the post office, I had to renew the P.O. Box we have so I had to do that one myself.  I also stopped at Wallyworld, but that was because we were down to the last box of Kleenex and we seem to be going through them at an alarming rate!
After Bill left for work, I stretched out on the cough and dozed for a while.  Then I got up and took a shower, and for some reason I started sneezing then and have been sneezing a lot today.  I thought maybe Bill had sprayed the shower with the anti-mold spray after his shower, but he said he hadn't.  I took Otter to work and went to wally, but mostly I've been parked on the couch and relaxing.  Usually with one dog or the other nearby.
It was cold this morning, I think it was in the 20's and it got a little warmer today.  Today should be warmer, then it will be pretty cold tomorrow night.  We had a fire last night but it's too warm tonight.  However, Bill brought in firewood and we'll have a fire Saturday morning at least.  Sunday has a good chance of winter weather and low temps, and the forecast could include ice.  We aren't even going to attempt Church on Sunday, for one thing I'm still coughing and Bill has the occasional spell.  Throw in the weather and the fact that the temperatures will be so cold; we're not going anywhere!  At least not in the morning, and maybe not all day.  So, I'm planning on making pancakes for breakfast Sunday morning.
I'm going to work tomorrow.  I hope to stay all day, but we'll see.  As I mentioned, I've been sneezing a lot today.  The mountain cedar is high, so that may have a lot to do with it.
Mountain Cedar and groundhogs.  Two things I can do without!

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