Saturday, January 26, 2008

23 Years!!

It's our 23rd anniversary. We decided against going out, we stayed in and broiled steaks. Of course, we had to have baked potatoes. I think that's the law, steaks must be accompanied by baked potatoes. (And Froggy, before you correct my spelling - potato or potatoe are both correct spellings and acceptable).

The steaks were good, and the ice cream pie was absolutely wonderful. The pie was from Braum's, strawberry cheesecake and considering that the last time I had one was actually the first time I got sick (symptom-wise, I'd already been sick for a few weeks by that point in March), I was just glad to be able to eat it and enjoy it.

Otter's gone to her friend's 14th birthday party. Bill was a little hesitant about letting her go, since it's from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and there will be a couple of boys there, but her friend's parents will be there and the kids will be well supervised. The Spring Formal dance is in March, and she's planning on going to it. It's not a date situation, most of them go on their own. But it will be the first time she's been to something like that, the parties in middle school were just that - middle school parties. This is high school now, so it's different. She's still going to need a nice, long dress for it. We are not going to spend a fortune on it, but we'll come up with something. And then we'll probably have to tranquilize her father!

The score currently is Otter: 4. Glassware: 0. One of the things I remember about being a teenager is that I seemed to grow overnight, and I remember the clumsy phase well. Otter is learning about that, and how much fun it is. Not. Today's victim was the salt shaker, which was nearly empty fortunately but still a mess to clean up - all 50 million pieces of it, that is! A couple of weeks ago, it was a bowl. A plate was before that, and a drinking glass was the first one. Of course, they are all part of my dishware set so we're uneven again! Sigh. Well, that's what eBay is for! Otter did tell me that maybe we should just go with all wooden or plastic items for a while.

New search engine: It's sponsored by Google, and it's exactly what it sounds like from the name.

Movie recommendation: Apocolypto. I'm not sure if the spelling is correct, but it's a surprisingly good movie. There is some violence, but it is part of the story and not overly gory, but it is intense at times so be warned. There is also some slight nudity, but in the Mayan culture it was just part of everyday life. It's got a few funny scenes, but the story is very good and it's very well done. It is not in English, but it is subtitled. It was Bill's turn to choose our Saturday movie, and I really didn't expect to enjoy it.

There was something else, but I don't remember what it was. It will have to wait for the next blog. TTFN!


Anonymous said...

getting forgetful already? from your better, not older/elder

Otter Mom said...

I already told you Froggy! Texans don't have betters! We ARE better! And you will always be older than I am, but Toadly is older than both of us.