Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Stove Lamp

Ok, here's a picture of the stove "as is." Dust and all! Trina, now can you picture it as a lamp? The tall part in the back is where the bulb will be attached and it will have a lampshade. The stove is about Barbie doll size. I will post a later picture, when it becomes a lamp again. And it will be cleaner then! The rust spot is not where it can be seen easily, but rust can be damaging. And if Froggy ever gets around to sending me a picture of hers, which is still a lamp, I'll post it. Get with it, Froggy!
Also, Trina I think that the ornaments you are talking about are actually ceramic and not glass. They're flat backed and have 3-D details. I've made a lot of those over the years, I think I've probably painted at least one of every one ever sold! The glass ornaments I'm talking about are clear glass balls, last year we decorated them by pouring different colors of paint inside them and swirling them. Takes a while, it's very messy and they take forever to dry but they're fun to make. What I'm going to try now is detail painting inside the ornaments, which might not work too well as I'm not good at freehand. Also, the ornaments I bought are square and not round - the only round ones that Hobby Lobby had were tiny!
We just got back from taking Maggie to the vet. She apparently had a run-in with a stick this morning, she was fine when she got up but then I noticed that her left eye was watering and she didn't want to open it. She could still see and was not acting like she was hurting, so Otter and I went on to work and Bill was at home so he kept one of his own eyes on her. When she wasn't better this afternoon, he called me and I called the vet. Turns out that Maggie has a pretty good poke on her left cornea. It's not enough to harm her vision, but it nearly is. She's on eye drops and a pill to prevent inflammation. She tolerated the eye drop pretty good and she thought that the pill was a treat. I have to treat her for about 1o days with the drops, the pills will hopefully make it feel better so she doesn't start scratching at her eye. If she does, then she'll get one of those oh-so-stylish Elizabethan collars! The vet said that it does not look like Frasier bit her or anything.
We actually managed to get out the door with only Maggie, Frasier was outside somewhere and didn't see us getting the leash. When we got home, he kept going over to the closet the leashes are kept in and giving me sad puppy dog looks! Mags was so glad to get to the vet, she was happy and waggy. Then we went into the exam room, and she suddenly put the brakes on and tried to back out! She knew where she was at that point. But the entire time the vet was looking at her eye, that tail was wagging. She's very good natured. She was probably also just glad that her rear end was not getting attention this time!
For some reason, Blogger has decided that I don't really want paragraphs. I keep separating them and Blogger keeps putting them back together!
Ok, Froggy - where's the picture?


Anonymous said...

the picture is coming soon!

Unknown said...

The ones I have are glass ball ones. I will post a picture on my blogspot in just a few minutes so you can see. (I have to take a picture of them really quick.)