Thursday, January 03, 2008

Prayer Request Update

I was going to post a blog tonight with a few political comments, but this takes precedence. This is the email I got from Virginia today. Please, please, please pray for Sara. It's about as bad as it can get.

Here's the email:

Sara had a doctor's appointment yesterday and she informed us that the medicine they are using on Sara is not having any effect on the cancer. It's just not working. She said that she wants to try to get her into M.D. Anderson as soon as possible to see if they have some treatment that might work on her. She said that without treatment she has about 2 months left.She sent her for a blood transfusion today because her red blood cells were extremely low. I went to check on her at lunch and ended up staying until the second bag of blood ran out. Then David came and picked her up and I had to go back to work. You know how it is at the Commission. They always make you feel guilty about taking time off.I have to try to figure out how I am going to bury her. She has no insurance and I definitely have no money. I don't know what I am going to do. I am afraid to ask her if she wants to be buried or cremated. I don't want her to give up hope, but since she found out that she had only so much time left, she seems to be slipping and losing faith. It's scary. I hope that you will never have to go thru watching your child who is suppose to bury you deterioate (sp?) in front of you. It hurts a lot.Please pray for my girl.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Oh darlin', your friends are all in my thoughts and prayers! It has to be the most horrible thing to watch your child slip away. I'm not sure I could handle it at all.
Take care,
