Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Stove Lamp is Finished!

And here it is! Also you can see Otter's hand in the picture, she was helping me adjust the lampshade. I think it turned out pretty well. And if Froggy ever finds hers and sends me a picture, I'll post it as well.

And this is what all the animals are up to this afternoon:
Mags is on Otter's bed, in her usual position. Where she's been since I let them in when I got home, although she did have a brief spell of activity when Otter came in the door. But then she went right back to bed.
Frasier is parked in the floor, next to his bedding and was about to get up. As soon as I took the picture, he booked it out the dog door. The vacuum is sitting in the living room, which might have a lot to do with his departure. He isn't as terrified of the vacuum as he used to be, sometimes he'll even stay inside the house now - just in the kitchen, when the vacuum is running. Unlike Maggie, who thinks that it's another toy!

And let's not forget Skyler! Or birdbrain, as he's known around the house. He's singing his little feathered head off at the moment. I could listen to him for hours, I really like birds and to hear them sing.

Otter is doing chores. It's so nice when she owes me money! I can work her like you would not believe. Anybody want their house cleaned? :)

I spoke briefly with Virginia today, I am going to call her back later on. She said that they have arranged hospice for Sara and that she had taken the week off to spend the time with Sara. But please keep praying.

With any luck, I'm taking Otter and a couple of her friends skating on Sunday. No, I'm not going skating! I have a bad track record with skates, as anyone in the family can tell you. Although I did manage to stay upright, unlike Bill, when we taught Otter to skate many years ago! So I am just transportation and entrance money, I will probably take a book with me and let the girls skate until they get tired of it. Which might be hours and hours.


Anonymous said...

No luck yet on my finding my stove lamp. I know that I have it, just don't know where. I would love to have my house cleaned.


Unknown said...

I don't know your guys' story with the pogo stick, but we had a pogo stick story over at my dad's house...

My Grandma Carolyn (step-grandma) loved taking us shopping especially to unique toy stores. At one of these stores she was able to find us a pogo stick to play with. Be it that none of us had actually been on a pogo stick before Grandma (in here late 50's) thought she should take the time to show us. Well, she was doing good until she found the crack between the sidewalk and the grass. Thankfully all she ended up with was a spranged (sprung?) ankle and a story she will never live down.

Otter Mom said...

Don't worry, Froggy. I have no intention of skating. There wouldn't be anyone who could drive me to the ER, the girls don't know how to drive yet!

Trina, I had a pogo stick when I was a kid. It came to OK with us one year, my Uncle Dave dared Mom to jump on it. Of course, she did. And then she had to go to the ER with a torn hamstring muscle and I think she was in the hospital for a few days. She never lived that story down, either.