Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Political Comments, and Some Other Stuff

Right off the bat with the controversial stuff!

We are watching the upcoming Presidential race with interest, and so far we really like Mike Huckabee. I'm thinking that he's probably who I will vote for in the primary in early February. Bill can't vote in the primary, Oklahoma has closed primaries which means that only those voters who pick party affiliation when registering can actually vote in the primaries. Which I really think is kind of dumb, in Texas everyone could vote in the primary. There was a stamp applied to the voter's registration to signify that you'd already voted, to keep you from going to both party primaries. But Oklahoma is still behind the times on that one. I have that R on my voter's registration just so I can vote in the primaries, otherwise it would the the I (Independent) like Bill's has. We are independent, but we are both extremely conservative and getting much more so as we get older.

We're pleased as punch that Hitlary was not the winner in Iowa. Hopefully, that trend will continue. Can't stand the women, nor most of the things she stands for.

(Remember, this is my blog and my opinions.)

Anybody remember American Gladiators tv show from the late 80's? It's back! And nearly as much fun as the first one. We used to stay up really late on Saturday nights to watch it, it was so much fun. Although I've noticed a couple of things. One, I'd say that the female Gladiators have the market cornered when it comes to silicon! The other thing we've noticed about the show is that the Gladiators look physically different. As in there was probably a lot of steroid involvement before, but not so much now. It's not serious drama, but it is fun. Otter loves it, but then she's her parents daughter so she would. Also, she's a martial artist so things like that naturally appeal to her. I forgot to ask her karate instructor today if he'd seen the show.

Maggie beagle's eye is about recovered. We quit giving her the eye drops yesterday, she finally figured out that she could struggle and I nearly poked her in the eye one time. Which would probably have defeated the purpose of the medication, if I caused her to get an eye injury! But she was on the drops for the recommended time and she seems to be well. Frasier had a watering eye several weeks back, but his was not like hers so we just watched it and it was most likely allergy in his case. But hers was obviously injured.

My foot is better today, but it changes frequently. Plantar Fasciatis is basically a problem with the muscle on the bottom of the heel, it's incurable but will improve over time up to a point. It never really goes away, but I'm hoping that it will get better. It gets worse after I've been off of my foot, but it also hurts if I've been on my foot too long. Really cruel, resting my foot hurts and using my foot hurts! I'm still using one of Bill's crutches around the house when I need it. Also keeping a shoe on will help, I think because it supports the muscles. Which is also unfair, as we were raised to be barefoot in the Cherokee tradition. So I compromise, I wear my houseshoes a lot when I'm inside. I take them off when I sit down, and put them back on when I get up. The other Cherokee tradition, the one about sitting on the ground/floor is hard for me because of my knee problem. (If you sit on the ground, you are touching the earth that the Creator made for us so you are closer to the Creator - the barefoot tradition is part of that as well). The heel problem and knee problem are both on my left side. My right knee isn't that good, but it's better than the left one.

And if that isn't enough, my jaw has been popping & clicking all day long! My denture actually helps the jaw problem, because it forces my jaw to stay in place. The TMJ (jaw problem) hasn't bothered me much for years, just every once in a while it will remind me that it's still there and today was one of those days.

Otter's finished with end of semester finals, the last ones were today. The only grade she knows for sure is the American Government (History) test, she got a 90. She thinks that the passed the rest of them, but the teachers did not grade them yet or at least didn't tell the kids their grades yet. The second semester starts tomorrow, Debate is done now and Art will be the second semester elective class. The history class for the second semesteer is Oklahoma history. (Otter would prefer Texas history!) The second semester normally would have started when school resumed after New Year's, but the ice storm kind of messed that up with school being cancelled that week.

I mentioned my craft projects in an earlier blog, but there was one I didn't mention. I had been looking for something, but I hadn't found it yet. I found it on Sunday. I bought a cow head! Actually, it's a skull and it's a cast concrete piece because we figured that Frasier and/or Maggie would probably eat a real one. They are bone after all. Otter and I went to our favorite concrete place and I found one there. I'm going to paint it, it will look realistic. It's destined for the rock garden. We'd also like to put an armadillo out there, but all the ones we've seen are too big. But that's on the list of critters that the rock garden needs. I'll eventually post a picture of it. But it's not an immediate project. It also is very heavy! So, Froggy this is for you: Moo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had to go get a new license today because I lost mine, not to mention its about time I got around to changing my address considering I have been living here two years and still had my parents address on my license.

While I was there I registered to vote, hopefully I am in time for the primaries in Feb. I also registered Republican just so I could vote in this years primaries. I'll be voting for Ron Paul though. Normally, I wouldn't vote because I figure with Erik as head of the house he can handle the voting for us. However, since this is a crucial election/turning point for America we talked about it and decided it would be good for me to vote at least this one time.

I'm so glad you don't like Hilary. I don't like her either, not to mention I don't think a woman should be president. (Just a personal opinion.)

With American Gladiators, at first I thought I knew what you were talking about, but now I am not so sure. I think I may have seen repeats of it when I was really little, but I would have to see it again to know.

Speaking of armadillos did you know that an armadillo can have anywhere from 2 to 12 babies from one egg... I can't remember the technical term for it but its from a set of twins to a set of ....tuplets. If you read the Coffee Newsletter thing that a lot of restaurant have its one of the fun "Did you Know?" facts on the back this week. lol I read it at the laundry mat on Sunday. I will have to go back and pick up a copy just to figure out what the word is now. Either way, in case you didn't know about armadillo reproduction before now you do. lol