Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday's Meandering Thoughts

I ate too much today. Actually, I've had too much fat in my diet the last couple of days - not that I've eaten too much in terms of quantity, just fat quantity. And not just today. But it was all self-inflicted, so I can't blame anyone else! Although I might try to blame Bill. There is a particular Mexican place he likes to eat at, I like it just as much but I try to restrain myself. But it's quick to get in and out of in the limited time Bill has for lunch, so when we can meet for lunch that is generally where we end up at. Friday of last week, yesterday and then today. And I'm paying for it now. I have got to get serious about it again and get back to being strict on the amount of fat I eat. I have done better since the first of the year, I didn't worry too much in December. But the last few days I've fallen off the wagon big-time. So, it's going to be rabbit food for me for the rest of the week.

Otter made it through the entire karate class this afternoon, she didn't need her inhaler once. Although she was pretty tired when class was over. This is the first time in two weeks. She will test in the next testing class which is at the end of February.

I have another Clara remembrance! When I was a kid, the Waltons was a very popular tv show. We always watched it. Two of the characters were spinster sisters, their father had made moonshine and the two ladies apparently never realized that it was a) alchohol and b) illegal. It was a recurring joke in the show. The sisters called their product "Recipe." Somewhere along the line, my mother was given a start of a product that she and Aunt Jessie decided to call Recipe - it was made with mixed fruit, sugar and a few other things. They made up a good sized batch, and kept it going by adding fresh ingredients to it when it ran low. It became an afternoon snack, we had it on cake, ice cream - just about anything. Keep in mind that I was in elementary school at the time or possibly in middle school, so I was in no way of legal age! As a recall, we all consumed it and we enjoyed it. Then one day, it suddenly disappeared with no real explanation. In talking with Froggy, we think that it might have vanished about the time that Mom realized it was actually FERMENTED fruit and therefore, alchoholic and that she'd been feeding it to her two daughters! For anyone that knew my mom, that would have been the absolute LAST thing she would EVER have given us. For some reason, I was trying to tell Bill about it this morning but I don't think he believed me - he just can't quite imagine my mother letting us have something like that. It's a funny story now, although at the time I'm sure mom was scandalized when she realized what it really was, and just how close she was when she jokingly called it Recipe after the moonshine on the Waltons tv show.

Jan/Bax, I will eventually post a picture of Otter's dress. I will probably take a picture of her in it, although I don't intend to show her face. Kind of like the camo quilt pictures. But I think I'll wait until she has the shoes to go with it. We're going shopping for accessories tomorrow afternoon, at least for jewelry and possibly hair stuff. Then we might look at shoes after that. This is one of those times when it's fun being the mother of a daughter! Especially now that she's turned into a girly-girl. A girly-girl who can break bones and take down anyone who crosses her! And she'll have the black belt to prove it in just a few months.

Groundhog day is next Saturday. And if he sees his shadow, we'll have 6 more weeks of winter. But if you look at a calendar, there will still be 6 weeks left of winter even if he doesn't see his shadow! Because the first day of Spring is 6 weeks after February 2nd!

1 comment:

Jan said...

Such a funny story about the fruit! My mom used to have the same crap fermenting in her fridge. While we didn't eat it right out of the container, she made some sort of fruitcake/coffee cake stuff with it (among other things). I tried it right out of the container once...very, very ripe! *lol*
Can't wait to see Otter in the dress!
