Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Interesting Tuesday

I can't think up a good title at the moment. I could have put something in about the weater - very COLD! But at least we did not get the wet & fluffy stuff that we could have gotten. There was a little ice on the cars this morning and a few spots on the roads, but it wasn't bad at all. I was a mean mom, I scraped the ice off the windshield but when the windshield got dirty & I couldn't see out on the way to take Otter to school, I pulled into a parking lot and made her get out with the squeegee. She was not amused!

I do have one comment before I get started with the fun stuff. Today is a Very Bad Day. It's the 35th (I think) anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And I'm sure that all those murdered babies are aware of it. Never, ever should have been made legal. Ever. We'd prefer it to be overturned, but we realize that the chances of that happening are pretty slim.

This is what the dogs are up to today. It looks like Frasier is eating Maggie, but they were actually playing chase. One of them will catch up with the other one and pounce, and as soon as I took the picture Maggie bounced up and was chasing Frasier. They will run all over the yard, in the dog door, around the living room, down the hall and then reverse course to retrace their steps. Then they do it again! When Maggie wants to play, she'll bite Frasier's feet until he'll run with her. When he gets tired, he'll pin her down and start grooming her - which might be what she was after in the first place!

I should have taken a picture of them last night. When they were stuffed so full of treats that they could hardly walk! They get a treat when they get put out in the morning, the treats are in a can in the garage and they always have access to the garage in case of bad weather. Well, the treat lid either got left off yesterday morning or they figured out a way to open it because the lid was sitting beside the can when we let them in yesterday afternoon. And the level of treats in the can was several inches below where it had been in the morning! Bill was working on his quilt, so they were blocked outside for several hours because he needed to be able to spread it out on the floor. He said that he heard them in the garage quite a bit yesterday - now we know why! This morning when we fed them, Maggie still seemed to be full from yesterday because it took her a long time to eat. Normally, she inhales it!

And for the record, Froggy - TOADLY IS THE ONE WHO GOT LOST IN THE PARKING LOT! I was only following him because he (supposedly) knew where he was going and I was unfamiliar with the area. So when he turned into the parking lot, I thought that maybe he was cutting through it to another exit. Then he turned around and grinned at me. I should have known he was lost, he generally always is anyway!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, that's your story and you are sticking to it. I like mine better about you following him into the parking lot and you were both lost.