Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sick Sunday!

Well, not me anyway. Bill has been fighting off a cold and then of course Otter started with it Friday. Now they've both come down with it. I don't think it's really a cold, but it has similar symptoms. So Otter is playing the Asthma Game. I'm just hoping I don't come down with it! I have had a slilght scratchy throat off & on, but I'm trying to ignore it. I don't have time to be sick.

I did manage to get to church this morning - I wanted to spend my morning around healthy people! But about half of the women in my Sunday School class were coughing, so I'm not really sure that I accomplished my goal.

Bill's nearly finished with the quilt! He's sewn all the squares together in strips, now he's piecing the strips together and sewing them. Then we have to measure it, it was 105" x 121" pre-sewn together, and then we can see about the batting and backing for it. Then he wants to use my camo yarn to do some detail tied areas on it, but I don't think I have enough yarn. We can pick more up when we get the backing & batting. The yarn work needs to be done before the backing & batting are attached anyway.

I started working on my cow skull. I haven't done much on it yet, I brought it inside and also the Kilz so it could warm up. There were a few rough spots on the horns, from the mold edges and I've smoothed them down. I might get started on the actual painting today. I'm not really in a crafting mood at the moment. If I'm not in a crafting mood, I have learned to not even attempt anything because it will look cruddy.

However, I am in a cleaning mood! I've been doing laundry, but we haven't tackled Otter's bathroom yet. She's not feeling too good, so I'm not in a hurry. It's not a big job and it might still get done today. But maybe not, either!

I'm also in a thrift-store mood, but my thrifting buddy (Otter) doesn't need to be out and about. And it just isn't as much fun by myself. So I guess I'll go find something to clean now!

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