Friday, January 02, 2009

It's Fabulous Fraiser Friday!

I'm Frasier and I'm fabulous. Friday is ok, too.

Somebody please go tell Maggie's mommmm that she's got the wrong idea. Mommmm and Maggie's mommm came home from somewhere, wherever they go when they get bags and bags of stuff and then don't let us get into the bags. Maggie's mommm has a new toy she brought home, I don't know exactly what it is but she keeps saying that Maggie will be a mooovie starrr. But Maggie's not the starrr of the family. I am. The sooner she figurres that out, the betterrr. Maggie's an ok little sister, but I'm Frasier after all. I mean, really.

The people locked us inside the house again today. I could hear them outside, and there was somebody else I don't know. They wouldn't let me out to protect them from this other person. But when they did let me out, there was a big pile of chewing stuff. They called it wooooodd. It's blocking the hole in the fence that the next door dog came through, so I guess it's ok. But I liked it better when they had it in another part of the big yard because I could climb over the fence that way. That was before the fence started biting me.
But Maggie's mommm said that Maggie is going to be in trouble, there are more holes near the tree that my mommm and daddd planted in the big yard. My mommm was not happy. Of course, it's all Maggie's fault. All the really bad stuff that happens always is. I'm a gooood boy and I never do anything baddd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with Frasier-he is the star
of the Family. We went to see Marley & Me. Reminds me of Lucky and Frasier. If you see it, it is a tear jerker at the end. I really enjoyed it.