Sunday, January 25, 2009

Too Early Sunday Morning!

It's about 8:45 now. But it was just before 5:00 when the alarm went off so Bill could get up. The only problem with that is that it also woke me up. I got up and made coffee for Bill, then I went back to bed. He did manage to make himself breakfast at least, before heading to his dad's rent house to work. When I got up again, it was about 7:45 and I started the first of what will be many loads of laundry. As of now, Otter is still in bed and I'm going to let her sleep in for a while. The beagle is right beside her! The dogs were fed when I got up the first time, then Maggie went back to bed as well. She has managed to get herself covered up with one of the quilts Otter has on her bed and she looks very cozy. Frasier is on his blanket, he wagged his tail at me a couple of times as I was on my way to make coffee for myself. But that's as much as he was willing to move, I guess he's going to have a lazy morning. Smart dog!

The reason I asked for prayers on Friday for Bill is that he had a job interview with the school district we live in. It went very well and they seemed to really like him. The problem is that they are probably not going to be able to pay him what he is making now and that is pretty much a necessity for us at this point in time. I think that they would have hired him on the spot, if they could come up with the $$. There is a possibility that they might be able to raise the wage amount up a little, but we don't know for sure. He might not hear from them again just because of the wage issue, but we'll see what happens. But it gave Bill the boost he needed, and he's pretty happy about it.

It is very cold here. It never made it out of the 20's yesterday. Since it was Sabbath, we didn't go anywhere anyway. We kept the fireplace going all day and spent most of the day in the living room where it was nice & warm. The dogs didn't move from their spots too much, although they did go outside a few times - to dig and then get yelled at.

It should be about the same today as yesterday. Tomorrow is when the fun could really start. We have a strong chance of winter weather which could last through about Wednesday. Although the forecasters here don't seem to know what they are doing! However, it's pretty cold so if we do get anything at all falling from the sky it's going to be frozen.

I'm going to run up to Wallyworld later on and get more birdseed, I have 5 seed feeders up at the moment and 2 suet feeders up. I'm nearly out of seed and I am out of suet. I have a few other seed feeders and suet feeders that are not up at the moment, but if the weather gets really bad I will get as many of them up as I can. We've had several cardinals and one woodpecker that keeps coming back. And lots of sparrows, a few doves, some chickadees and millions of those disgusting starlings!

Also, tomorrow is our 24th Wedding Anniversary. (No Froggy, we do NOT count the break in the middle!). The plan is to go to a steak house not too far from where I work, my boss gave us a certificate at Christmas and we haven't used it yet. But it depends on the weather. If it's icy and the road conditions are not good, we'll come home and probably have frozen pizza - how's that for a celebration?! But we'll see tomorrow.

Otter's up! She just came in to see me and is now heading to the kitchen for breakfast. I haven't seen the beagle, but it's a safe bet to say that she's still in bed with the blankets!

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