Monday, January 05, 2009

It's Maggie Monday!


Mommmmm's home! She was gone all day today, and weee were locked out of the house. That's not verrry fair. But Mommmmmm's home from wherever that big yellow carr takes her. I think my Mommmm likes me, she said she does. She said I have a warmmm belly. So I let her give me a belly rubbbb, I think she likes that. I want my Mommmm to beee happy! I always stand at the door I can see through and wait for her, when I hear the big yellow carr go by I know that she is going to come to the door. Sometimes I waggg my tail so harddd that I can't stand up and I fall over.

Big brrrotherr Frasierrr is being stupiddd again. He keeps taking all the toys and chew stuff outside. I don't know why heee keeps doing that, but I have to go out and get it all. Then he takes it all back out again. I wish he'd stoppp!

My Mommmm says I'm a mooovie starrr. I don't know what that means, but I think it might be something gooooood. Do you think it means that I'll get more treats? I hope so, because that would be verrry goooood.


Anonymous said...

I vote for more treats for Maggie. All movie stars deserve extra treats. Frasier should have extra treats also. He has to put up with the movie star, Maggie.

Jan said...

Maggie you are such a funny pooch! Sounds like you're enjoying yourself. Just keep Frasier in know how boys can be! Take care!