Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Some Miscellaneous Tuesday Stuff

It's Tuesday. Boring day, Wednesday at least can say it's half way between Monday and Friday. Thursday is still called Baby Friday. But Tuesday, Tuesday doesn't have anything going for it.

Maggie's latest rawhide chip adventures include hiding her chip on Otter's bed, pulling Otter's quilt over it so it's totally hidden from view and then pulling her own blanket on top of that! I guess she's taking no chances, and with her big brother Frasier roaming around looking for it I have to say I agree with her. Frasier took his chip outside, then he came in looking for hers. She was carrying it around for a while, she gave it to Otter and to me at one point, then she took it into Otter's room and hid it on the bed. Of course, both dogs were haunting the kitchen while I was fixing dinner. They were pretending to be starved, but they didn't fool us. Otter gave them each a tiny bite of rice and a little bit of chicken fat. But they could have done without it and not been any worse off. Spoiled piggies! :)

Winter might be back. At least winter temperatures. It's supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow, then mid- to late afternoon it is supposed to start getting colder. Really cold. Possibly with snow, although not much is expected. So I went to the grocery store today, which means that I'm prepared for bad weather so we will of course have good weather. Well, if that happens then at least I won't have to deal with the grocery store later in the week because it will already be done.

Think good thoughts for Otter tomorrow and Thursday. Play tryouts at school are after school both days, and the students that are trying out have to be there the entire time and on both days. The drama teacher has already warned them that there are very few roles for girls in this play, but Otter is still going to try out. Even if she doesn't get a role, she will have to do something with the play as part of the drama class requirements.
Otter was complaining because I hadn't blogged tonight, I guess Froggy's influence is showing up. There, I've blogged. Now I'm going to go play on the internet for a while.


Anonymous said...

Hey, why are you blaming me when you don't blog?
Good Luck Otter, break a leg (only in the theatrical sense, not in her Dad's way)
Smart Maggie.
We got cold here last night-all the way to 29, but it was dry so no problems.

Jan said...

Hey lady! Tuesday's do get the short end of the stick, don't they!
Maggie is one smart pooch! I take it that Frasier did NOT find the snack?
Good luck Otter! Hope all goes well!