Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some Tuesday Stuff to Think About

I have come to the conclusion that there is not a vacuum in the world that can keep up with furry Frasier! I just ran the vacuum through the entire house. I emptied the cannister before I started. And then I realized that the entire house meant the cannister was filled up again when I was finished. And there are a few places I didn't get completely, such as the office and under the beds. Most of it was dog fur, brown in color and long. No wonder the old vacuum croaked! Well, it was old and had been used heavily before we got Frasier but I'm sure that all that dog hair didn't help. Oh well, at least the vacuuming is done for the day. It won't be done again until Thursday or Friday.

Maggie was my helper with the vacuum cleaning. She stayed right beside me the entire time, she would sit or lie down a few feet away from me and she stayed with me in each room. She wasn't wanting to play with the vacuum, and she's never been afraid of it. She just seems to like to watch it. Frasier, on the other hand, was outside and as far as he could get from it! I think he's back inside now, he sometimes will stay in the kitchen until we get through in the living room but today he went outside.

Back to school for Otter today, but Bill is still off through tomorrow. He had Monday as a holiday and he took two vacation days for today and tomorrow. He is still helping his dad at the rent house, although I think they should be winding down pretty soon.
I finally found a shade for my new lamp, the one with the glass piece. The shade is new, Walmart was about the cheapest and also seemed to have the biggest selection. The lamp is in the middle of the sofa table, but I think I'm going to move it to one end.
No photograph of Otter in her dress yet, we didn't have time yesterday and haven't gotten around to it today. Eventually! It's a really nice dress and the perfect color for her red hair.
Also, I don't know if I mentioned this or not but Otter has decided not to go to camp this year. She has been for 4 years, two at one camp the Methodist church sponsors and the last two at the camp the Baptist church sponsors. She's enjoyed it, but she said that she thinks she's done everything she wanted to do and she is getting to the age where most kids stop going. It is up to her, if she wanted to go then she certainly could. But she really wants to get a job next summer.
It's been warm the last couple of days. Warm for January in NE OK, that is. But it could be pretty cold by the weekend. Saturday might find up camped out in front of the fireplace all day. But the nicer weather the last couple of days has got me to thinking about spring. And spring storms. I'm not in a hurry for them, last year was bad enough and I don't want to go through that again (or anything worse).
Bill thinks he's changing the name of the El Camino. Stay tuned for updates, he's got a couple of ideas but nothing is decided yet. But the nose art won't involve an ice cube! (Although it will still most likely involve a nekkid lady).
Futurejedimom, enjoy Disney! I'm sure your critters will make sure you have a good time. And also that you get plenty of excercise. :)

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