Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Still Wednesday and Still Cold!

This is one of the few times I will ever post a picture with a face, especially when it's Otter's face. But you can't really see too much of her face anyway. We took a walk to a hilly area behind us, and she finally got to use her toboggan this year.

She was just about to start off.

There she goes! I could her her yelling the whole way down, she was really enjoying it.

And she's still going. The only problem was that she then had to walk back up the hill. But she rode it down a few more times, until her asthma kicked in and we decided to head home for something hot to drink. I had started having asthma symptoms before this, but we were halfway there so it made just as much sense to continue to our destination as it would to have turned around and walked back home. But on the way back, Otter rode in the toboggan for a while and I pulled her. The ice is so thick that her weight in the toboggan didn't even make much of a dent so it was easy to pull her.

This is a tire track from the street she was sliding down. The ice is pretty thick, I don't know if you can tell or not from the picture. But the sun is shining, so even though we will probably not even make it up to freezing temperature there will be some melting. Not a lot, and the streets will be really fun in the morning but I am going to attempt to get in to work tomorrow. I think I'll be ok, once I get out of the neighborhood and a few miles away. The city usually only clears streets to a certain distance from home, and that is only a few miles away. Which would have been a big problem yesterday as it was still coming down and would be a problem today, but by tomorrow should (hopefully anyway) be ok.
I kind of expect school to be cancelled for tomorrow again, but if there is school then I will take Otter and pick her up instead of leaving her to the mercy of a not-so-tallented bus driver. If there is no school, I think she'll probably stay home so the dogsters can stay inside. They have the garage area to stay in, if nobody is home and Bill's made them a nice spot with carpeting. They would probably spend the day curled up on their carpet, napping!
I'm going back to the warm living room now, although I might have to go get a little more firewood.

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