Saturday, March 20, 2010

The First Day of Spring

We've pretty much been in front of this all day long. We're very glad that we have it and that we got it fixed last year.

This was taken about 9:00 this morning. It was just starting to come down. The white dashes in front of the chair are snowflakes. They were fast and furious!

This was probably around 9:00 as well. The larger spots on the deck are actual snowflakes that fell - they were huge.

This was just a couple of hours later. This is the back fence, and the gas meter. It's getting deep!

We think we got around 7". It's been coming down all day.
The first day of Spring. Low 30's and snow. Welcome to Oklahoma!


Anonymous said...

Our day started at 62 early this morning with thunderstorms. Then it was just rain for a little while. I went to Eisenhower Park for a Master Naturalist volunteer activity. It was outside. I stayed about an hour and then came home. It was in the lower 40's by then. We are supposed to get to 37 tonight. I just covered all the plants that I just planted in the last week. Here's hoping.
Is the party still tomorrow?

Otter Mom said...

Yes, the party is still on.

The roads are not too bad, they might have a little ice in the morning but since the ground was so warm to start with they are not badly iced up. We might get the girls a little early so that we have time to drive to the theater and not be rushed in case there are problems.